Coming back from a layoff


New Member
I have not worked out in over 6 months now.

I want to jump right into the 15s and working out 6 times a week. I want this first cycle to be more of a cutting & getting back into shape cycle.

Is it OK to jump right into such frequency? How many sets of what do you recommend?

How should I eat for this? I am currently 5'9, 165 or so, 14% body fat or so.

Really love this site and HST by the way.
welcome back nippon,

to jump right on 15's is not a problem... in fact, it is almost a must in the HST method.

I think there is consensus in this site that we should try to do compound exercises with an overall number of sets nomore than 20, but you will have to figure out for your case how many do you feel comfrotable with in terms of recovering in order to exercise the same muscle every 48 hours.

I am finishing my strategic deconditioning, so I will re-start this wednesday with my cycle, I send you my routine so you can have an idea.. rest between 30-45 seconds between exercise in order to make it with aerobic characteristics.

remember to have a calorie deficit of 300-500 daiily in order to lose the fat.

one thing I don't see consensus is the needs for aerobic... I am in favour since I've seen results for me without losing muscle, unleess you do it for more than 1 hour and exagerate the intensity....... you can do jogging, bike, rowing for 45 minutes 4 times a week, at least, when you do cutting and if you are in shape you can include some HIIT sessions in order to burn more calories during the sesion and also keep burning calorie even after cardio.

Ok, I was able to open the file today.

Questions: You do all of those exercises every time 6 days a week? Squats and deads on the same day?

Why is there variation on reps, with most being 10 reps? You are not doing the proper 15s? Why is that?

Appreciate the help!
Hi nippon,

good to see you opened the file, I was trying to see your e-mail to send it but it is not listed.

Ok, now, answering your questions:

1) I will do these exercises everyother day, that is to say 1 week 4 times (MWFS) and following week 3 times (TTS).... 6 days a week not.... by the way, have you read the theory and principles behind HST..... if not, I encourage you to go to HOME and ARTICLES and read them, otherwise, you will lack the necessary base knowledge.

2) Yes, on the same day I do squats and deadlift.... both are for me the best compound exercise and stimulates not only your legs but your whole body.... so, I tend to lean a lot on these 2 exercises... however, my deadlift is not 100% pure deadlift, within a set I do 1 rep of normal deadlift followed by 1 rep of stiffed leg dead lift, followed by 1 rep normal and so on.... in order to stress more my hamstrings.

3) As you can see I am starting mainly with 10 reps because I am doing a variation of HST, instead of increasing the weight with 15 reps I will keep the weight at 15RM and increase the reps by 1 or 2 in each workout... and when I reach 15 reps I will increase the weight.... now, for squats and deadlifts I will start with 15 reps because I love giving my body a good kick.. I really love feeling hell with these exercises.... feeling I want to finish faster than slow dancing with my mother in law, he he he... if I have learned something in weight lifting it is that the more you suffer the better for your muscles.

however, please do the traditional HST, increasing the weight with each workout... but read the theory !!

Yes, I have read the articles and most of the FAQ pdf book.

That is why I am asking this specific question. I personally just want to go to the gym 5-6 days a week for a better cut and because it is a great stress relief. I would rather lift than do cardio on off days if I was doing the normal M W F HST routine. Plus, many guys claim much better results going nearly everyday and even twice a day!

So, I was just concerned that it might be too much after coming back from a layoff. And, how many sets of what would be good.
I don't see a problem working out 5-6 days or even twice a week (I don't think your CNS will get screwed), as long as you work each muscle approx every 48 hours.... it means for instance that if you want to work out 6 times a week a good choice would be not to do whole body workout 6 times a week but to split your body workout in 2 workouts... for instance upper body and lower body or any other combination....... however, I think that some guys here have experience repeating the muscle the same day or consecutive days.... I don't have any experience about that; however, I know that HST is based on approx. 48 hours recovery time