Coming back to HST !


New Member
Hi guys,
Its been a long while since I was here, I took more than a year out off HST and trying various things and I must say, HST for me was what worked best, I havent been able to reach the same weight has when I was doing HST... Ok I have to admit that I wasnt as constant with other methods, I was less motivated, and alot of things were going on too ( started my own company, went in asia for a while etc ) ... but nonetheless One of the things I find great about HST is that it keeps you motivated more easely than other methods... I dont know why... maybe because you feel like you are always progressing ... So anyways, right now im at 158lbs... the max weight i reached with HST was 176lbs... This time my goal is to reach the 180s.

I will be going 3x a week to the gym, do you think that this routine will work :

- Leg Sled Press
- Calf Raise ( I have really small calves hehe )
- Flat Bench Press
- Seated Pull Downs
- Weighted Dips
- Seated shoulder Press
- wrist curls ( I have small forearms )
- Abs

It is not a very long workout but I dont have much time to workout these days, as I mentionned before, I dont have a normal job anymore, Im building my company and that requires alot of long "unpaid" hours of dedication. So im trying to aim for efficiency over quantity... In my previous HST I used to do alot more isolations ( bi, tri, quad etc )

Anyways, let me know what you think, I dont mind adding 1 or 2 exercises if its needed... Maybe something that involves the biceps since they are only worked by 1 exercise so far in my routine ( pull downs )

Many thanks for the help !
First off Luono... welcome back! I remember you in my early days of posting here.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">- Leg Sled Press
- Calf Raise ( I have really small calves hehe )
- Flat Bench Press
- Seated Pull Downs
- Weighted Dips
- Seated shoulder Press

- wrist curls ( I have small forearms )
- Abs</div>

I put in bold what I think is the great exercises of your WO. IMO, the Leg Press is a very inferior exercise to any type of Squat. Also, if your forearms are small, then you should look into Static Holds or the all mighty Deadlift. Deads will put on size and strength like no other! Squats, Lat Pulldowns and a good row movement thrown in there will work your ABs.

Why not try a split to spice it up for your comeback?

<span style='color:red'>Workout A
Bench Press
Shoulder Press</span>

<span style='color:blue'>Workout B
Calf Raise</span>

You could do this 2x/week for now since your office hours are long, but then you could opt for additional workouts here and there. Keep on following the A-B-A-B-A.... schedule and keep progressing the load!
Thanks colby for you reply,

You are right, i will remove abs and sled leg press and put in squats and add deadlifts... it seems I only feel sore when doing specific abs exercises though...

About going 2x a week with a A-B routine... it seems not enough... this means i would be doing 1 exercise per muscle group per week... if I go twice per week I might as well do 2 full body workout, but in any case doesnt HST require you to go about 3 to 4 times per week to the gym ?

One last thing, for my forearm it seems they are really hard to grow this is why i added a wrist exercise, but is the deadlift enough ? deads are more for the back arent they ? In your opinion I should still drop the wrist curls and just do the deadlifts ? I never did static holds, but i will look into it ...

Thanks again
(Louno @ Mar. 27 2008,15:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks colby for you reply,

You are right, i will remove abs and sled leg press and put in squats and add deadlifts... it seems I only feel sore when doing specific abs exercises though...

About going 2x a week with a A-B routine... it seems not enough... this means i would be doing 1 exercise per muscle group per week... if I go twice per week I might as well do 2 full body workout, but in any case doesnt HST require you to go about 3 to 4 times per week to the gym ?

One last thing, for my forearm it seems they are really hard to grow this is why i added a wrist exercise, but is the deadlift enough ? deads are more for the back arent they ? In your opinion I should still drop the wrist curls and just do the deadlifts ? I never did static holds, but i will look into it ...

Thanks again</div>
Well I was saying 2x/week at the very least. You said your job was very demanding. Lift as many times as you can get a workout in.

Drop the wrist curls. The deadlift will work your forearms because you have to hold high loads. If the TUT is high enough, then the forearms will be strained. If reps are really low (&lt;5 per set), then static holds are a solid addition.
For your deads, use an over-over grip for as long as you can over the course of your cycle. This will make your forearms work harder than a reverse grip. Reset your grip between reps if need be.

Don't use straps for your back work (rows, chins etc.) unless you feel you absolutely must. Try to phase straps out as much and as soon as possible. Your forearms work hard during all pulling work if your grip is unaided. You'll likely still need them for any shrugs you might do due to the loads involved, but that's OK.
Back to HST for me, too!

I have moved to another country, I have changed my job, eating habits and lifestyle... In short, my whole life has turned upside down but one thing remains constant; yeah, HST.

I haven't trained in months and I am pretty sure that right now a girl can lift more than I do. I feel totally crap but hopefully, given time, this will change. Will start a proper cycle next week.

Good to see some of the regulars still around... Keep up the good work guys and happy HSTing to everyone!

Best regards,