Coming off a 5x5 strength routine to HST... review of my potential program(s)?


New Member
I haven't done HST before. Been doing Bill Star's 5x5 strength program for about 13 weeks. I made some nice gains in strength and size (but put on more fat that I would have liked.) I feel like I need a break from the 5x5 program. I might come back to it in the future but I'd actually prefer to do more of a pure-mass routine for a bit vs strength.

I was thinking of the following program for HST although it's very similar to the work I was doing in my 5x5:

  • Squat
  • Flat Bench
  • Bent Over Row
  • Bar Bell Overhead Press
  • Bicep curls
  • SLDL
  • Tricep (press downs)
  • Lat Pull Down

Or, I was thinking of splitting it up a bit with some slightly different exercises (alternating A/B):


  • Squat
  • Flat Bench
  • Bent Over Row
  • Bar Bell Overhead Press
  • Bicep curls
  • Leg curls
  • Tricep (press downs)


  • Dead Lift
  • Incline Bench Press
  • Lat pull down
  • Bent over cable rear lateral raises
  • Bicep curls (something different than A)
  • Leg extensions (?)
  • Tricep (a different exercise than A)

Any thoughts on how well/poor either program is set up?

Also, since I've done quite bit of 5x5 for a few months, could/should I maybe just start with a 12/8/5 rep range?
Well, it looks like you’re in the same situation as me – I’ve just spent a considerable time doing 5x5 routines.
Personally, I can’t see much wrong with any of the routines you’ve put up – they all look solid enough. However, if in doubt I would err on the side of less exercises rather than more (simplify & win springs to mind!).
Also, don’t discount the 15s. If you’ve been lifting heavy for a while, your joints will thank you.
Yea good point about the 15s. I'll stick to the 15,10,5 rep ranges.

Since I was working with the bar in all the 5x5 stuff, I was thinking about maybe switching to all dumbbell exercises ( db shldr press, incline and bench, etc.), but then others mention you're still better off using the bar for mass.
a relatively minor change suggestion: I would change the bent over rear lateral raises to dumbell from cables if you can. I think others would agree that free weights are generally best.