comments and critique needed


New Member
I'm almost finished with first cycle of 15s. First off my last week I struggled hitting 15s. I got 225 for 14 not 15. Is this a big deal breaker. Also. Where do I goto now. I believe as I HAVE read setup 10s max and work up to it where I left off with the 15s is this correct
I'm almost finished with first cycle of 15s. First off my last week I struggled hitting 15s. I got 225 for 14 not 15. Is this a big deal breaker. Also. Where do I goto now. I believe as I HAVE read setup 10s max and work up to it where I left off with the 15s is this correct

Missing 1 rep is no deal breaker. Just forget about it.

I take it you´ve already worked out your maxes, so you know what your final workout loads will be? If youre doing full-body 3xweek then start off at 75% of your maxes. Increase by 5% each workout so you hit 100% on the last workout day in, I presume, two weeks.

Just a note: 75% of your max MAY be less than 100% of your previous "rep-range" load, this is the so-called ziggzagging and its not a problem at all. It should give you a little breather after the tough previous workout.
well. i am doing a workout A and a workout B
i set up my workout plan like this
for example.

my Squat 15RM was 225
so i did 185 205 225 for my 2 week block of 15's
i assumed that im just going to do the same thing with 10s and 5's correct?

since my 10rm is 275 i will probably do
235 255 275 i believe which is closer to an 80/90/100% ramp. do you suggest i do more like a 70/85/100% ramp scheme?
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well. i am doing a workout A and a workout B
i set up my workout plan like this
for example.

my Squat 15RM was 225
so i did 185 205 225 for my 2 week block of 15's
i assumed that im just going to do the same thing with 10s and 5's correct?

since my 10rm is 275 i will probably do
235 255 275 i believe which is closer to an 80/90/100% ramp. do you suggest i do more like a 70/85/100% ramp scheme?

I do an A and B split too. 80/90/100 is the way to go for 10´s and 5´s, yes.
Ok cool thanks for the info. Also for my next cycle down the road. How do I do the weights. Increase 5% from last weights last cycle
You should spend some time after your 5RM´s and try to extend them whereby going for new PR´s. Then if you´ve still got anything left, you try and do negatives for some exercises, the others you can just continue with your(hopefully) new 5RM´s until you SD. Then once you´ve got them you use a calculator to work out your new RM´s for each given rep-range. I generally dont do that as I do long(9-10weeks) cycles so Im usually done and dusted by then. Ill just increase as I feel appropriate. Its not as accurate as going for new 5RM´s though.