Completely new to HST, but I understand it..just one question..


New Member
Alright, I went to the gym last night to figure out my 15 rep maxes, but I found out that my weight is too low for me to even start increments. Some I can do increments of 10lbs each workout..while others I cant even do 5lbs without the first two workouts showing up with 0lbs on the HST calculator. So my question is, can I replace 15s with 12s maybe? Just so I can progress starting with a heavier max, or how should I go about using my 15 rep maxes? Please help! and thank you!
You can do 12s instead or there are several other options. You can repeat increments or just start at a higher weight. As a general rule, it would be better not to start below 70% or so of your RM. So if your RM is 100 lbs, you want to start at 70, even though if you subtracted out 10 lb increments you would end up starting at 40. So in this example, you could increment like this:
70 80 85 90 95 100
70 80 80 90 90 100

or any other variation to make it work. The most important thing is that you progress over the course of the cycle.

The other thing I would say is that if you are having trouble with certain lifts being too light, consider not using those lifts. For instance, if you pick kickbacks for triceps, you are probably going to have a hard time laying out increments. Whereas if you chose skullcrushers or close grip bench, you will be using a lot more weight and so it will be a lot easier to lay out your cycle.
Oh, excellent that makes sense. Because on some..for instance I'm doing Arnold Presses for shoulders, and I have VERY weak shoulders due to past inuries, So my 15 rep max is only 20lb dumbbells. If I did the standard increments, Id be starting off at like 5lb dumbbells, and I dont feel thats even enough to start taxing the muscle at all. As far as triceps go for instance, I'm doing skull crushers. So I'm thinking alot of my increments will basically stay the same and slowly go up towards the 3rd/4th workout. I get the concept of HST, but finding the right balance to push myself in my limits is stressful/confusing lol.
Well that would work too but I would strongly prefer to repeat the 15 or the 20 increment rather than the 10. The 10 is going to probably feel absurdly light to you. But either way, it won't make an enormous difference which way you go.
Well thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it. I thought I wasn't gonna be able to even do HST hahaha. I now have everything set up the way I want to progress. Today starts my SD..going on vacation so its perfect. I'm trying to get to 190, right now I'm 175-177. Wish me luck lol.
Yessir, brining in 2600-3000 calories a day, from lean meat, natural fats, fruit, and whole grain/complex carbs...everything is clean. Any recommendation on supplements to help aid in this type of training?
Creatine if you aren't already taking it, whey protein before and after your workout. If you need the boost, you could probably find a preworkout powder with creatine, caffeine, argnine and stuff in it but that one isn't necessary.