Completing 2nd cycle


New Member
So this week is my final week of my 2nd cycle. I'm trying to think of where I should go next. Part of me wants to try the Scrawny to Brawny routine, but HST has been working so well and it just makes sense.

I was wondering what type of modifications you think I should make for my 3rd cycle? Should I drop the 15's and extend the 10's and 5's or possibly add another rep scheme in? I've actually modified it a little as I do 3x5's and I throw in drop sets in the 5's ever 3 workouts.

I've definitely pinned down my weaknesses and they are the core and the mid-upper back. I don't know if you remember but I posted about my uncontrollable shaking when lifting any weight. It's always related to my upper back or something with my core. Like during my tri-pushdowns (wow) I shake like crazy on the concentric movement. So I'm thinking I want to gear my routine to focus more on my core and back. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :)
If you're interested in core and upper back, maybe go with a strength routine before SD'ing? Bring up the strength levels before you start HST again?
Well, Bill Starr's 5x5 seems to be the most popular and strongly advised for first time "strength-ers"..I've just started it this week and I know that there's other member who've used it or are using it. Take a gander at the Strength forum and the links to Elite Fitness.

Alternatively, take a look at Dan's site, there's a few interesting routines on there.