Concentric phase

Heavy Duty dude

New Member
Let's say someone does only the eccentric phase. Would it produce roughly the same hypertrophic stimulus?

Has anyone tried to do only the concentric phase in order to decrease the stress on the CNS?

Thanks.'re taking the fun out of the stuff
Also, the microtrauma on the muscles is caused during the eccentric movement and not during the concentric as everybody thinks.... so, if you do concentric sonly, the theory says you will not get a big deal of hypertrophy.
(latinblast @ Apr. 15 2006,02:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also, the microtrauma on the muscles is caused during the eccentric movement and not during the concentric as everybody thinks.... so, if you do concentric sonly, the theory says you will not get a big deal of hypertrophy.</div>
Not really accurate.

Damage or microtrauma can occur in either mode of contraction. Depending on the strain that is reflected on the fiber itself. This varies on many things and is not strictly dependant on the length changes seen in the MTU (muscle tendon unit).

Hypertrophy as a whole is more dependant on translational efficiency and transcription of genes and either mode of contraction does this.

Lastly there is very very scant work showing that in humans eccentric actions produce more hypertrophy than concentrics and in the real world it matters very little anyhow since we all lift, lower and repeat the movements.
I've just begun to perform the reps to emphasize the eccentric phase.

I use a machine, lift the weight with the left and right muscles, and lower the weight with only one.

This way I don't force too much so I don't stress the CNS too much.

I also do clusters at the same time. For instance I do 5 reps for the right leg, wait like 30 sec, then switch to the left leg. I alternate exercices also to help the muscles recover.

I'm gonna try to do 50 reps total every 2 days per muscle.. I'm curious to see how it's gonna work.
Interesting Dan, I'll read the articles... I think I have misread what I have read in that respect.....
HDD, good idea you have given me to do eccentrics, I don't like working with partners because I am really into a trance when working out, not even look up.... there are many exercises we can do concentric with both limbs and then eccentric with 1.... hmmm

I had not realized but now I see that you are one of the writers of the articles in the site

You were wondering where I got the article about HST vs HIT and it was in this very same site but first I had read your articles and Charles's ones on work and power....... hey, one thing, you mentioned in your article called &quot;the basics part I&quot; that there would be a part 2 &quot;Intermediate topics&quot; and part 3 &quot;advanced topics&quot;; however, I can not find these articles anywhere in that site..... can you please let me know where I can see them ??

Also, I see that in the routine that you recommend you actually are not increasing the number of sets as you decrease the number of reps.... do you advocate that or not ??
(latinblast @ Apr. 17 2006,05:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dan,

I had not realized but now I see that you are one of the writers of the articles in the site</div>
Well...............Yes, I guess you could say I'm a writer for
(Dan Moore @ Apr. 17 2006,13:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(latinblast @ Apr. 17 2006,05:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dan,

I had not realized but now I see that you are one of the writers of the articles in the site</div>
Well...............Yes, I guess you could say I'm a writer for  

I'm looking forward to seeing your max stimulation stuff Dan. I saw that you put the first page for the science part of it. I can tell this is going to be an interesting read.
yes, I could see that site is new, under development,.... but  Dan,
... I am sorry to be pushy but I was disappointed not to be able to find the remaining 2 topics in the hypertrophy-reserarch site:

you mentioned in your article called &quot;the basics part I&quot; that there would be a part 2 &quot;Intermediate topics&quot; and part 3 &quot;advanced topics&quot;; however, I can not find these articles anywhere in that site..... can you please let me know where I can see them ??.... and also

I see that in the routine that you recommend you actually are not increasing the number of sets as you decrease the number of reps.... do you advocate that or not ?? ...

as for me, I can tell you now, that this way of doing the mesocycles is kicking my butt big time, always my muscles are sore well into 36 hours after training, all of them.... and I can see that there is a correlation of 1% increase in &quot;work&quot; produces an increase of 1% in the total number of calories I stands to reason because both are a measure of spent energy.... I am keeping my diet up to the increase in &quot;work&quot;...... for instance if I calculate that my work increases in 10% from 1 workout to the next then in my nutrition calculation I make sure the calories are increased by 10% in order to keep the surplus I want, so far it has been very accurate..... hmmmm..... I think I will have at the end good results....and a last question:

have you found any analisis relating increase in &quot;work&quot; with hypertrophy
(latinblast @ Apr. 18 2006,00:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
yes, I could see that site is new, under development,.... but  Dan,
... I am sorry to be pushy but I was disappointed not to be able to find the remaining 2 topics in the hypertrophy-reserarch site:

I see that in the routine that you recommend you actually are not increasing the number of sets as you decrease the number of reps.... do you advocate that or not ?? ...

have you found any analisis relating increase in &quot;work&quot; with hypertrophy
I'm not trying to avoid the questions, but honestly and out of respect for Bryan these questions should be asked at my forum or at the least in the general training forum here. These are not HST specific questions.

So I'll just say Re-read the Basics and Intermediate routines written by me, the sets do increase.

There is a more than a casual relationship between work and hypertrophy, my Work article gives plenty of references for you to come to your own conclusions.

Now where HST is concerned, since work is a product of Load and Distance, then even HST's Vanilla routine increases work. Bryan has made many comments on TUT, and in our cases this can be related to work, so is increasing or at the very least, maintaining, adequate work important? I think so.
uhhhh, I am sorry Dan, I did not realize....... ok, when I have one of these itchy questions I will do it through hypertrophy-research.... thanks for the answers and I will take a look at the references you made, in fact I will dig into it right now !!!!.... this is the missing link to make my (HST+WORK) routine good until the end of time !!!, he he he.... cheers