Concept is more impt than actuall excercises


New Member
In my opinion the idea of 15-10-5 is much more impt than compounds/iso etc. An example would my last week of 5's
I do bench 3x5
pec dec 3x5
pull downs 3x5
rows 3x5
barb curls 2x5
hammer curls 1x5
tri push 2x5
sh press 2x5
shrug 2x5
squats 2x5
leg ext 2x5
leg curl 2x5
calf raises 2x5

This routine has led me to the best gains in my life. The progression each workout and switching every 2 weeks are the main reasons for improved physique.
Glad your physique is great

''switching every 2 weeks''

Why do you do this?
I don't want to put words in his mouth but (here goes) I believe he's referring to two weeks at 15's, two weeks at 10's, etc......
You don't switch anything every two weeks. The 'concept' of 15s-10s-5s is actually not important. What is important is that you increase load consistently over the cycle. That's what allows you to continue making gains. I agree, your actual routine doesn't matter that much, as long as you are hitting the full body. Lots of guys worry way too much about exercise selection.
But changing the rep range every two weeks is not what keeps gains coming. You don't have to change the rep range. You can even cluster to a certain number of reps throughout the cycle, as long as you keep increasing the weight you are using.

Remember, in the HST article, the number one issue is PROGRESSIVE LOAD. The whole 15s-10s-5s thing is just the example routine and the easiest way to setup an HST cycle. It is not integral to HST.
It's great you're making good gains. I don't think anyone has claimed that only compounds will deliver the goods though and your routine does include squats and rows.

If you're making gains with isolations, you would probably make better gains (provided your diet was in order) if you used compounds because compounds permit a higher load. For example, BB bench presses will be much heavier than pec deck flys.

I personally see no reason to add leg curls and extensions if you're doing full squats.
Yeah, Liege is right, far too many isos IMO.

Your gains could be a lot better should you stick to a much smaller workout.
Of course i increase the weights every workout, and yes i meant switching reps every 2 weeks. Granted it is a lot of sets. I think i average around 30 REPS for chest, back, legs and around 20 for bi, tri. I complete the workout in 50 minutes give or take. I do it circuit fashion