Concerns in Simplify and Win Program


New Member
I have done the simplify and win HST program with good results better than with my cycle before which involve lots of iso's and I'm now in the 10's coming from a long layoff.. Upon reading threads in the HST forum, some of the posts from mikeynov in response to the topic &quot;Who is wrong me or my trainier?&quot; states that <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your trainer sounds like...well, the usual sort of personal trainer.

That said, your routine IS unbalanced heavily in favor of pushes over pulls 3:1 for any given day.  In the very least, I'd include chins/pullups/pulldowns in there as well.

With an intelligently set up minimalist routine, you're not going to wind up randomly imbalanced per se, assuming form and so forth is proper.

Of course, even the most balanced routine in the world done shittily (form etc) can cause long term problems, so make sure you have someone qualified (possibly not the personal trainer) assess how you're performing these movements.
</div>. Now speaking of what program is he criticizing is similar workout program which the simplify and win program of Fasuto in which is done by chooseusername and it is stated as <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I want to stick to the minimalist routine below:

bench press
cable pulldowns / pendlay rows (alternate workouts)
military press
squats / deadlifts (alternate workouts)
Now as for what is see in this discussion, mikeynov does also have a point. By seeing the simplify and win program which is outlined as:

Chins alternate with Rows
Military Press
Squats alternated with Deadlifts

Realistically, Simplify and Win Program is deeply emphasizing push movements than pull. Now with all due respect to Fasuto and as for my question, is this just ok, will this not cause any imbalance at all whether strength or muscle development? Having 3 push in one workout and just 1 pull, honestly I'm curious and a bit confused. This is not an attack to Fasuto with his training philosophy because I like the program's perspective and it makes sense, however I'm just thinking critically and I also do consider the perspectives of the critics such as mikeynov. Hope this questions makes sense coz I wanted to hear different perspectives regarding my question Thanks..
I don't think anyone can cite any particular research that push/pull type exercises need to be exactly balanced, I just think it's a good idea in principle.

The routine I often start people with (I'm a trainer) is the following:

Bench alternated with Press
Rows alternated with Pulldowns or Chins/Pullups
Deadlift variant ~once per week, ab stuff the other day(s)

This performed 2-3 times weekly, usually starting with 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps depending on their exercise history and so forth.  Emphasis on form first, and from there, progressive weights over time.

Imho, the above would be the type of minimalist routine I'd advocate for the average joe/jane, and I have actually put it to use many times at this point and can report it works well (when people actually consistently do it).
Ryder, Fausto's thread is suggesting that instead of doing tons of isolation exercises you focus on the big lifts. Not all the routines posted there are good nor endorsed by Fausto. So, in conclusion, there is no Simplify &amp; Win workout, there is the Simplify and Win concept that there is more benefit in focusing on core lifts then doing many different isolation movements.
Using the above concept you can come up with several different workout plans. The initial one you posted, in my opinion, isn't the best option, since it has you benching, dipping and pressing at the same day. Basically I think you should start with something like:

So one option is:

You might want to add some variation to make things more interesting:
Squats alternated with Deadlift
Bench alternated with Dips
Rows alternated with Chinups

If you want to add direct work such as abs or shoulders, you should do it after the major lifts, with lower priority.

I'll attempt to give you my opinion, I think the balance is not between pushing and pulling movements but rather muscle groups, Upper/Lower body, proportion, etc.

Both the routine you publish and the one Mickey did are balanced, 2 push/2 pull, including the alternates, as are many of the routines posted in the Simplify and Win thread, which are many, I simpy &quot;stirred the pot&quot; as one would put it, which ended up as a good thread with lots of good info, so I alone do not take credit for it!

By the way the name is Fausto and not Fasuto
(electric @ Jan. 29 2009,8:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Squats alternated with Deadlift
Bench alternated with Dips
Rows alternated with Chinups

If you want to add direct work such as abs or shoulders, you should do it after the major lifts, with lower priority.</div>
Yup, that's the TunnelRat Workout ©.  

After I finish the major lifts, I tend to throw in some isos for arms and calves (if I have the time and energy).
(Fausto @ Jan. 29 2009,8:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">ryder22

I'll attempt to give you my opinion, I think the balance is not between pushing and pulling movements but rather muscle groups, Upper/Lower body, proportion, etc.

Both the routine you publish and the one Mickey did are balanced, 2 push/2 pull, including the alternates, as are many of the routines posted in the Simplify and Win thread, which are many, I simpy &quot;stirred the pot&quot; as one would put it, which ended up as a good thread with lots of good info, so I alone do not take credit for it!

By the way the name is Fausto and not Fasuto
For that matter, my name is Mike(y), not Mickey
Guys, again thank you for all of your suggestions and recommendations I appreciate them a lot and besides lots of clouds from my mind have been cleared.. I'll take every advice here into consideration.. And to Fausto especially sorry for misspelling your name man.. With every advice you give with regards to train HST the simple way, I have greatly improved my game.. Thank You..
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">With every advice you give with regards to train HST the simple way, I have greatly improved my game.. Thank You.. </div>

Its a great pleasure to hear yet one more person satisfied! It shows the HST spirit is still winning! Great satisafaction to hear that!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And all these years I thought it was Fatsuo! </div>
