confused about finding my rep max


New Member
before starting the program im supposed to find my maxes for all the exercises im going to be doing and all the rep ranges? how am i supposed to do all of this? this would take a whole week to figure out. did most of you guess your maxes instead of test them? what should i do?
I'm going to disagree... I think you definitely need to find your 5 RMs. Go ahead and use that calculator as an estimate then go into the gym and verify it. I always find my 5 RMs and base my cycle off of that rather than using the 15 RMs to base it upon. But typically you'd want to dedicate a whole week to finding your RMs your first time. Once you've found them the first time then you can find your new 5 RMs at the end of each cycle and use those to base your next cycle on instead of having to dedicate an entire week to finding maxes.
Yeah, 15RMs are not that helpful in calculating 10RM and 5RM loads. Take the time to find these for the exercises you intend to use during your cycle. You won't need to find them again because you will be able to gauge how much to increase the loads for the following cycle on how easy/hard the RM workouts turned out to be. Good reason to make notes and to keep a log. :)