

Hi I am a bit confused. Could anyone explain to me what is 15 rm, 10 rm and 5 rm, Also could you tell me how long till I change from 15 rm to 10 rm. I check the website but its a bit confusing could you help me please.

Thanks Aamar
Hi I am a bit confused. Could anyone explain to me what is 15 rm, 10 rm and 5 rm, Also could you tell me how long till I change from 15 rm to 10 rm. I check the website but its a bit confusing could you help me please.

Thanks Aamar
RM stands for Repitition maximum. so, 15rm means the maximum(heaviest) weight you can lift 15 times before u cannot lift anymore(failure). same goes for 10rm and 5 rm....hence, the weights used for yr 15rm will be lighter than yr 10rm which in turn will be lighter than yr 5 rm, since the lighter the weight, the more times u can lift before failure. make sense?
use this: it has all the info u need to set up a hst routine.

2wks for 15rm, 2wks 10rm, 2wks 5rm, 2wks negatives or another 2 wks 5rm, SD(9-14days), repeat
thank It now makes more sense. Can I do more than 2 weeks or after the negatives do I start from 15rm again? Thanks;)
err, have u actually read the link i posted?...there is a sample workout plan in there...

  • u workout 3 alternate days a week(eg, mon, wed, fri)
  • each workout is a full body workout( u can choose 1-2 exersice for each body part)
  • u should increase the weights every workout so that by the last workout of each 2 wk block, u should be using yr RM. eg. 15RM for squat is 115pounds, so wkout 1 use 85 pounds, wkout 2=85, wkout3=95, wout 4=105, wkout 5=105, wkout 6= 115 ( its ok if u repeat some of the weights)
  • take some time to read the link...
Sort the confusion out!

err, have u actually read the link i posted?...there is a sample workout plan in there...

  • u workout 3 alternate days a week(eg, mon, wed, fri)
  • each workout is a full body workout( u can choose 1-2 exersice for each body part)
  • u should increase the weights every workout so that by the last workout of each 2 wk block, u should be using yr RM. eg. 15RM for squat is 115pounds, so wkout 1 use 85 pounds, wkout 2=85, wkout3=95, wout 4=105, wkout 5=105, wkout 6= 115 ( its ok if u repeat some of the weights)
  • take some time to read the link...

Welcome aamar

Please do yourself a favour, you will be glad you did!

Go to

There is enough info in there from the very basic to the expert knowledge of tweaking things when a fine line is the difference.

Read up and educate yourself, its for free and it is well worth it!

Dont get me wrong I have been reading its just that the table is confusing but its taken me a good hour to understand it. I really do appreciate your help so i will read the link a cuople of more times before posting anything.

Thanks ;)