consective cycles


New Member
I want to hear how many consecutive HST cycles people have run here in a row. Dont want to know results, just how long you have kept with HST without utilizing another method.
Since April 2002, I think I have tried about 5 other programs just for a season but always ended up coming back to old faithful!

Lost count of how many HST sessions did since then, all I know is that it is definitely the best out there!
Started in the spring of 2002. Figure 5-6 cycles per year. Probably the last 2 - 2 1/2 yrs I've done the M-W-F AM/PM training.

Not new to training at all as I used most of the other types of training for years before finding HST.

I have done 3 in a row so far now.

The first one was a bulking cycle in which I went a bit overboard with the food intake. The second one got rid of the fat that I gained in the bulking cycle. This third one I am trying to cut to abot 10% BF or so.
(Firminator @ May 31 2006,08:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Started in the spring of 2002. Figure 5-6 cycles per year. Probably the last 2 - 2 1/2 yrs I've done the M-W-F AM/PM training.

Not new to training at all as I used most of the other types of training for years before finding HST.


Over 2 years of M-W-F 2X a day; impressive. I did that schedule for 4-5 weeks and really liked it, but then time commitments made me stop the 2-a-days. This summer when I have more time flexibility I plan to go back to AM/PM training 3-4 days per week. Are you training full body at each session? Have you progressed toward your goals for this entire time span?

I started HST in October, 2002 although I did not join the forum until 6 months later. I just finished cycle #29 and am SDing for 2 weeks. I did do a couple 5X5 month long routines in 2004/2005 but basically have stuck to HST. Having lifted for almost 50 years now, I don't see myself changing away from HST other than the odd 5X5 routine here and there.
O&amp;G, what's the point of the 5x5 routine? Do you want the extra strength? Do you feel it helps your HST cycles when your 5 RM is increased?

Once or twice per year I will do a month long 5X5 cycle to work on functional strength. I have a horse farm and sometimes have some pretty heavy chores to do like putting up 20 tons of hay in the loft. Also, the stronger you are, the more weight you can lift which makes the regular HST cycles more effective. I set my first weight at an amount that I can get 5 reps with. For the remaining 4 sets I will rep out. This will usuall go with a rep pattern something like 5, 4, 4, 3, 3. When I can get to 5 sets of 5, I will increase the weight. You could probably achieve about the same thing by going to a week or two of 3's or 2's after your last week of 5's in a regular HST routine. However, because I work out without a partner now, I don't like fooling with weights that could seriously harm me. Plus the fact that I'm a wimp at heart.
20 tons of hay? You're kidding right? That's insane.

Why do you feel being able to lift more weight makes the regular HST cycles more effective?
(Tom Treutlein @ May 31 2006,18:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">20 tons of hay? You're kidding right? That's insane.

Why do you feel being able to lift more weight makes the regular HST cycles more effective?</div>
more load more increments
I've run 4 cycles of HST. Started june 2005. I'm now in a major strength training macrocycle, so I'll be riding my strength gains until they stall. As a side note, I am having more fun with my training than ever before.

All that being said, the only other type of training I will do besides 5x5 is HST. I owe quite a bit to HST. It is what got me away from traditional &quot;bodybuilding knowledge.&quot; It led to a paradigm shift in how I viewed training the body.

The two biggest lessons I learned were: Frequency and Compound Movements. Those two concepts alone have changed my training forever.

Sorry if I babbled on too much.
(smf @ May 31 2006,11:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Firminator @ May 31 2006,08:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Started in the spring of 2002. Figure 5-6 cycles per year. Probably the last 2 - 2 1/2 yrs I've done the M-W-F AM/PM training.

Not new to training at all as I used most of the other types of training for years before finding HST.


Over 2 years of M-W-F 2X a day; impressive.  I did that schedule for 4-5 weeks and really liked it, but then time commitments made me stop the 2-a-days.  This summer when I have more time flexibility I plan to go back to AM/PM training 3-4 days per week.  Are you training full body at each session?  Have you progressed toward your goals for this entire time span?

I do a full body twice a day. I'm 53 so I find that I'm better off doing shorter, more frequent workouts. I'm not sure what goals a 53 yr old guy that is probably close to his genetic potential should have?

My body really seems to like training like this so I've been reluctant to change it up. Not really getting any bigger anymore but at 215lbs, I'm not sure I really want to either.

I'm just about to finish up with my 25th, SD, and start my 26th consecutive cycle. I make changes here and there and shorten or lengthen cycles depending on circumstances, but the basic structure remains HST.