Constant workload...


New Member
In the wake of AJ's death...
Looking through some of his old articles, I came across one with regard to workload.
Upshot of which is - by all means increment the weight used (intensity) but adjust the reps so that (simplified) the workload stays constant & within your ability to recover.
I think this may be more applicable to cluster training (as opposed to straight sets) but there again the spreadsheet calcs infer that sets for the three HST phases should be around 15s/1 set, 10s/1.5 sets & 5s/2sets. [Thus entering SD in a recovered not "overtrained" state]
I based the SS around working upto (or just past) the 5rm in 18 workouts.
Perhaps the 1set/2set/3set HST brigade are doing "just a tad" too much...  
I've been "fine-tuning" my own customized version of HST using the following (weekly) template:


Using two compounds per muscle group performed every w/o .

Chest supported+BB rows
DEADS (1x/wk) squats(2x/wk)

This is very much in line with what you are pointing out ( some slight differences) and is working beautifully for me .

I was actually considering cutting the first week of each rep range to 1.5 and seeing if this would be an improvement - so your post was rather timely for me personally.

Not sure if that is in line?

I dont mean this offensive I promise

However that is were a lot of us have gotten confused in the past with total workload/sets/reps.

I say this with your setup only b/c you are using 2 exercises per bodypart vs 1 exercise.

If I am reading the article correctly???...and I may not be it saying 15 total reps...stay constant.

So to do that over 2 exercise would be tough...unless you did just 1 set of 7.5 reps?

I maybe off here???
(RUSS @ Aug. 30 2007,12:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've been &quot;fine-tuning&quot; my own customized version of HST using the following (weekly) template:

Using two compounds per muscle group performed every w/o .

Chest supported+BB rows
DEADS (1x/wk) squats(2x/wk)

                     This is very much in line with what you are pointing out ( some slight differences) and is working beautifully for me .

                     I was actually considering cutting the first week of each rep range to 1.5 and seeing if this would be an improvement - so your post was rather timely for me personally.  
i will presume you are submax on the weeks with 2 sets and heavy on the single set workouts?

if so i like the look of it.
(Joe.Muscle @ Aug. 30 2007,12:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Russ,

Not sure if that is in line?

I dont mean this offensive I promise

However that is were a lot of us have gotten confused in the past with total workload/sets/reps.

I say this with your setup only b/c you are using 2 exercises per bodypart vs 1 exercise.

If I am reading the article correctly???...and I may not be it saying 15 total reps...stay constant.

So to do that over 2 exercise would be tough...unless you did just 1 set of 7.5 reps?

I maybe off here???
I see what you are saying - I must have misunderstood originally . I think I may just resolve this by going to one working set per movement ( closer - still 20,20,16,16,10,10 Per muscle group per W/O though , but it averages out to about 15) Thanks!!!
(lcars @ Aug. 30 2007,13:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i will presume you are submax on the weeks with 2 sets and heavy on the single set workouts?

if so i like the look of it.</div>
Yeah that's pretty much it in a nutshell . The idea of simplifying it even further to strictly one working set all the way through the rep ranges does appeal to me though - especially as it may enable some more &quot;oomph&quot; in the second weeks ( where I believe most of the growth occurs.

It's been working great as is - but man, the idea of just one working set all the way through isjust too tempting , not to see if it's a further improvement .
Yeah I got confused earlier last month Russ about total reps.

A lot of guys were saying they used only 15 to 20 reps...and I have been using 30.

So I got to thinking wow...maybe I am doing too much.

I set up a poll and realized a lot of guys are doing 20 reps but they do two exercises per muscle group...which in my book thats 40 total reps per muscle.

Sometimes I see things as clear as mud!.....hehe