Creatine for beginning lifters


New Member
Is the use of creatine advisable for beginning lifters, or those w/ only a few months of experience?

Does it matter the age of the lifter - 18 vs. 30+, but still a beginner/novice?

At what point is the use of creatine considered OK?
The older you are, the greater the benfit of creatine, being their tends to be a natural decline in the amount creatine the body produces as we age.
If you are just starting out, maybe you should train for a while and see how much true muscle you can gain before adding any ergogenic aides such as creatine. It is a good way to find out what kind of genetics you got. Once you have been through a few cycles and have a better feel for how your body is responding to strength training, then add creatine. This way you will know how much creatine is impacting your performance being you will have something to compare your progress too.
It is probably good that you already bought the HS:CRE being the price is so good right now.