Critique my first cycle plz


New Member
aside from dips/chins/pullups....any suggestion/comments?


Leg Curls
Flat Bench Press
Seated Rows
Military Press
EZ Curls
Tricep Pushdowns
Calf Raises
Weighted Crunches


Deadlift and Shrug
Incline Dumbell Press
Lat Pulldowns
Lateral Raises
Preacher Curls
Calf Raises
Weighted Crunches
Aside from the normal recommendations, I'd say switch from leg curls to SLDL...much more efficient.

You only really need one type of isolation for the arms it will make your progression simpler too.

Otherwise it is just dandy!
Add SLDL Even though I already have deadlifts in my "B" program? My idea was to alternate Squats and Deadlifts. And then I Added leg curls on the squat days to hit hams a little more, but removed em from deadlift days because i figured they would be hit enough. No good?

And by one isolation for the arms, do you just mean have one exercise for bi's and one for tri's .....and dont alternate ?

Oh and the reason I mentions chins/dips/and pullups is because my workout partner is my pops, and he is confident he cant do 15 of his bodyweight in any of those.... I may have a shot at my bodyweight with dips and chins, but i know i cant do pullups
Yep SLDL's are not teh same as Deads and hit the hammies real good.

Try hitting chins with hands facing you and close grip, it i8s easier and will allow you to pull up more weight!
Modified Cycle:


Flat Bench Press
Wide Grip Pullups
Lateral Raises
EZ Curls
Calf Raises
Cable Crunches


Deadlift w/ Shrug
Flat Barbell Press
Seated Rows
Military Press
Calf Raises
Cable Crunches


Removed leg curls altogethe, figured for my first
cycle Squat and deadlift should hit legs enough.

Added chins/pullups/dips every other workout.
for chins and pullups I will be doing the 15's and 10's
with pulldown and chin grip pulldowns, switching to
chins and pullups for the 5's. (cant do BW during 15's and 10's). I determined I am easily able to do dips with 20ish
reps with my I added them.

I am alternating BB Press with DB press because I do BB press on a smith machine and I want to do DB in order to reduce as much as possible any negative impact doing bench press on a smith machine might cause.

Also, as per your arm reccomendation, I am considering dropping skullcrushers and ez curls and instead doing
dips and chins every workout.

Your thoughts on this rant?
Looks a lot better, I'd still make it simpler but it is fine as you defined A/B workouts.

Some of us, me included use one set of isolations as a superset straight after a compound (eg: Bench + Skullcrushers - both getting teh triceps and close-reverse grip chins followed by incline curls getting teh biceps), this is done mostly from the 5's on.

Just a you don't have to totally drop the iso's.