Critique my first cycle


New Member
What's up HST?

I've been lifting for months now and I gained a good 6-7 lbs before I hit a plateau. I had a good chance to do some SD (wisdom teeth removal) so I decided to get into the gym to get my maxes on some exercises. I'm on day 4 of SD and so far I've been lounging around and sleeping a lot.

Here's what I got.

Yeah the pic is kinda big it might take a little bit to load, I wanted to make it easier to read though, haha.

Ok, some questions right off the bat.

1) Obviously some zig zagging. Is it too much? On which lifts?
2) Squats/Deads will be alternated
3) Should I swap out standing rows with Shrugs and Shlder Press? What about Skulls for narrow dips (weighted)
4) Should I stick to what I have or should I repeat some weights? Which weights?

Anything else I should change/take mind of?

Thanks a ton guys!
the zigzaging is ok but it looks like you might have started your 15s to low instead of doing
then do the 10s,5s as you already have it.

standing rows do you mean upright rows for shoulders,if it is i would change it to millitary-press,you dont need shrugs deadlifts will work that area good enough.
What's wrong with starting at 70% of the 15RM? That leads to more progression and possibly larger increments (if you went 70-80-90-100) leading to more hypertrophy.
I also want to know. I start my mesocycles with ~75% or my mesocycle RM. Is this not optimum?
Cool, thanks.

Yeah I figured deads would do the trick for the traps. I might do Arnold Presses instead of Military though.

and yes I meant upright rows, my bad.
(colby2152 @ Sep. 04 2008,9:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What's wrong with starting at 70% of the 15RM?  That leads to more progression and possibly larger increments (if you went 70-80-90-100) leading to more hypertrophy.</div>
he isnt starting at 70% his rm for 15s bench is 115 and he is starting at 75,maths is not my best subject but thats closer to 60%.

IMO 80% is better,i find 70% not taxing enough.

if you prefer 70% or 75% thats cool but IMO anything less is to low.