Critique my HST program

Canadian Iron

New Member
I'm open to any suggestions for improvements/additions/whatever. I will be doing 1x15, 2x10, 3x5 for all exercises unless someone suggests otherwise. Thanks for any input you might have.

Military Press
Barbell Curls
Triceps Extensions

Military Press
Barbell Curls
Triceps Extensions

Military Press
Barbell Curls
Triceps Extensions
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I will be doing 1x15, 2x10, 3x5 for all exercises unless someone suggests otherwise. Thanks for any input you might have.</div>

Personally, I do as many sets as I can do without going to fatigue... but it's up to you.

Instead of Barbell Curls and Tricep Extensions, why don't you do compound exercises such as close grip dips and close grip chins? That way you hit other muscle groups such as your chest and back while hitting the arms. Personally, they are a lot better than isolation exercises as a lot of people will agree with me.

Other than that, you built your workout around a solid core of compound exercises, and you chose to alternate squats and deads which seems to work for a lot of people.
Ok I will think about doing more sets, but I'm not sure if I should do it across the board or for certain exercises, and in what weeks - any suggestions there (I know it's up to me but I appreciate any push in the right direction).

I love dips and chins, but I can't even do 10 chins at BW so I didn't think they would scale well enough (not sure how to make it progressive if I can't add weight and get reps).

I have no problem adding weight with dips though I will change the extensions to dips.

Thanks for your help.
Aloha CI,

You probably can do your chins on the assisted chin-up/dip machine and what I did was start off with the heaviest assistance and in my second week during my 15 cycle, I went down to the lightest assistance. This should help you get stronger.
Do as many sets as you can.. so for how it works for me usually is 2-4 sets in the 1st week with 1-3 sets in the 2nd week.
I think it looks good, I'd drop the last 2 isolation movements though. Get as strong as you can on the compounds you're doing. 300 pound benchs and rows will get your arms big.
I would add in SLDLs after squats as another great compound movement. You can always do pulldowns until you have increased strength enough to do chins. It worked for me. Switch to chins in the 5s.

Unless you are trying to keep your sessions short (I reckon you could be done in 20/30 mins with the list you have) I'm with Colby on adding dips and chins to all sessions. If you do this just watch your volume for chest and back. Then you could just do a single set for the arm isos if you really want to still add them in.

You also might find that doing your deadlifts after you have done chest and back will ensure you are really warmed up nicely for some heavy iron. I have had minor muscle pulls in the past from not being warmed up thoroughly enough for deads even though I thought I was.