critique my workout plz


New Member
I've been using HST for a while(about a year).For the first 6 cycles, I eat like hell reaching 3200++calories(considerable clean food).I eat even more when I reach sticking point.I went from 166lbs, bf15%-180lbs, bf20%.Unfortunately, my fat gains outlast my mass gain during these phase.I went to cut after noticing that I had started develop gyno due to bulking.Then I went to cut.I went back down to 166lbs, but bf about 12%.I did everything that i could(except taking fat loss supplement and other medication) during the cutting phase.I had tried the low intensity method recommended by Bob Chic.I found myself still able to shed weight but slower.

After cutting, I decided to go back into bulk,determine to make sure my fat gain lower because of my tendency to get puffy nipples.I think i am ecto-endo

After completing first new bulking phase using HST
Stats :
Height : 5'10"
Weight : 169lbs
Bf : increase (base on the pinch i got from my gut)

Strengths, as usual has not been increasing from the very first HST plan that I have use.

The following workouts have been modified and is used for the first new HST bulking plan
Workout A
Squat x 2
Side Lateral x 1
Side L Lateral x 1
Incline DB press x 1
Decline DB press(change into dips during negative phase) x 1
Lat pulldown x 2
Calves raise x 2

Workout B
Deadlift x 2
Rear delt lift x 2
Incline DB press x1
Decline DB press (change into dips during negative phase)x1
Barbell row x2
DB curl x2
Skull crusher x2
Welcome R4id3n

You may want to go into slow bulk due to your ability to pack on fat so fast! Go by feel as you increase the calories.

One thing you can do right away is to include some HIIT or Tabata on off days so as top avoid too much fat to pack on!

As for the workout, you could be better off if on at least one of the workouts you used the good ol' Military press! Then on the other you could do 1 each of the lateral raises thus completelly hitting your shoulder.

Pulldowns are second best to Chins, you ought to try them out alternated with rows.
thanks for replying

Workout A
Squat x 2
Side Lateral x 1
Side L Lateral x 1
<div></div><div id="CODEHEAD">CODE</div><div id="CODE">Rear delt lift x 1</div>
Incline DB press x 1
Decline DB press(change into dips during negative phase or max 5) x 1
Lat pulldown x 2<div></div><div id="CODEHEAD">CODE</div><div id="CODE">(change into chins during negative phase or max 5)</div>
Calves raise x 2
Crunch x 2

Workout B
Deadlift x 2
<div></div><div id="CODEHEAD">CODE</div><div id="CODE">Military press x 2</div>
Incline DB press x1
Decline DB press (change into dips during negative phase)x1
Barbell row x2
DB curl x2
Skull crusher x2
Crunch x 2

I've modified base on your recommmendation and abs workout that I have completely forgotten to add in last night.

Does it look like what you recommended?

Look cool always prefers to keep things very simple but OK, I am not here to mandate but to give opinions.

I don;t know how you feel but generally we try to do the arms isolations from the 5's onwards only as we feel that the compounds do the job anyway...just a thought!

Calves too IMO is a waste of time unless you seriously want to do them, IMO Squats and Deads takes care of them OK.