

New Member
First off apologies because I know this will have been posted probably quite a few times.

Just about to switch to HST coming off the back of some strength focussed training and needing some help with a good, efficient programme. Confused just because the old 5x5 was about the simplest workout in the world to follow. Anyways thought up programme and it goes like this:

Squat x1
Deadlift x2 (Alternate set numbers of dead and squat each workout)
Bench x2
Dip x1
Row x2
Chin x1
Press x2
Shrug x2
Curl x2

Would you say this is well balanced/ordered? I plan to use these set numbers through till week 5. I know there is quite alot of exercises but the example of the main page has 13...

Anyway thanks for any information advise.
looks pretty good mate TBH, I would maybe add an extra exercise for triceps but that's me as I realise it will get stimulated a lot from the chest/shoulder exercises.

doing deads and squats maybe pretty tough going as the loads get heavier