Critique on my new compound routine plz


New Member
Workout 1:                   (15`s)  (10`s)   (5`s)  (negs)
Deads                           1x15   1.5x10    3x5   3x5(negs)
Bench                           1x15   1.5x10    3x5   3x5(negs)
military                          1x15   1.5x10    3x5   3x5(negs)
chins                             1x15   1.5x10    3x5   3x5
Standing calfraise            1x15   1.5x10    3x5   3x5
situps                            1x (70% of max)

Workout 2
Squat                            1x15  1.5x10 3x5 3x5(negs)
Incline bench                  1x15  1.5x10 3x5 3x5(negs)
military                           1x15  1.5x10 3x5 3x5(negs)
chins                              1x15  1.5x10 3x5 3x5
Sitting calffraise               1x15  1.5x10 3x5 3x5
situps                            1x (75% of max)

I`ll increase squats and deads standing calf raise by 10 lbs., and the rest by 5 lbs.
I`ll do pulldowns for 15`s and 10`s and chins for 5`s and negs.
my 15 RM for deads is about 220lbs and 15 RM for bench is about 150 lbs.
Is that an allrigt increase per workout, guys?

I`ll figure out my RM`s for all the minicycles this week, then I`ll go into SD.

And I`m thinking about alternating between workout 1 and 2( mon 1, Wed 2 fri 1, mon 2)  and so on..
What do you think about that guys?

and if I am to increase deads and squats by10 lbs and go for squats on the next workout should I take the incremenst from deads and add to the squats?
F. ex.    Workout1       deads  220 lbs
            Workout 2      squats 200 lbs
            Workout3       deads  240 lbs
            Workout4       squats 220 lbs

Or is that too much?

I`m also thinking about splitting into A/B split, for the 5`s and negs anyway.
Any thoughts?

Looking forward to testing RM`s and finsh setting up training routine and diet plan!  
Looks like a good program to me although I would switch the bench press in 1 to dips.

My big question is how you do 1.5 sets? Is the second set a drop set of 5's? Or are you going to rest and then crank out 5 easy reps with the same weight you just used for the 10's? My personal preference would be for the drop set but some people like more rest between sets.

I would not add the dead's increase to the squat poundage. They should be done independently and the increases merely a mathematical result of knowing your max weight, your desired beginning weight (usually about 60% of your max) and the number of workouts for that rep range.
By doing 1.5 sets pr. minicycle i mean 1 set mon, 2 sets wed, 1 set fri, 2 sets mon, etc..

But if I can`t add the increases from the deads to the squat poundages then I would have to add alot of weights between each workout for the same exercise if i am to alternate between squats and deads and if I am to start at 60% of 15 RM
my 15 RM is 100kgs, that means that I would have to increase the weights by 13.3kgs (100-40 = 60. 60x3 =13.3)  or 12,5 kgs that is the nearest possible number per workout, Isn`t that way too much?!
Nope. But you can do it the other way if you wanto to. It won't make much difference. It will probably average out to the esame weight lifted over the 2 week period.
Definitely do negs for chins. Also, if you are going to alternate, you may as well alternate weighted chins with bentover rows as well.
Routine looks good.

1.5 sets is about right, keeps volume 100 % same thoughout the program.

1st set 10 reps / 2nd set 5 reps - rest should be minimal

The guys are right:

Bench/dips alternate

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">my 15 RM for deads is about 220lbs and 15 RM for bench is about 150 lbs. Is that an allrigt increase per workout, guys?</div>

Squats/Deads - in here I'd do deads only once per week just because it hits my back too bloody hard
, although this is up to you.

Your proposed increment deads and squats - 10 pounds is fine however I prefer to go for 10%, it is more exact!
I actually changed the routinine so that alternate
inc. bench\ dips.
And i forgot to write negs for chins

I have never tried negs for dips and squats before, the squats will be done in a inside of a squatrack so that i don`t kill myself under the load if it gets too heavy

10% increase on alternating exercises an 5% on the others?