Critique on my routine plz.


New Member
I started on my first HST routine one week ago. I`m doing the routine over 6 days per week, so i`ll take half the body on day one and the other half on day two.
Here it goes

15`s: day one.
2 x Incline benchpress
2x Benchpress
2x Militarypress
1x lateral raise
1x bent over lateral raise
2x shrugs
2x pulldowns
2x Calf raise
1x sitting calf raise

15`day two.
2x deadlifts
2x chins
2x bent over rows
1x legpress
2x legcurl
2x situps (about 20-30 reps)
1x situps on the side (about 20-30 reps)

I`ll do the same amount of sets for both of the weeks on the 15`s, and for the first of 10`s, on the second i`ll go for 1 set pr. exercise
And same amound as above for the first week of 5`s and 1 set pr: exercise on the second week.
On negatives i`ll do 1 set pr. exercise for both weeks..

Any thing i shold change on my routine? or does it look ok?
Its actually a very intelligent program for what you're trying to do, but I think its a bit complicated and too many exercises, if this is your first HST cycle ever then you'd be better off with just 3xfull body, major compounds, but you seem like an exerienced lifter and probably a gym-junkie too if you want to go 6 days a week. :-)

Cut out all isos, lat raises, leg curls etc, Deadlifts and leg press in same workout prob too much for legs, alternate these. Just do 1 incline and 1 flat/decline bench, and 1 standing 1 sitting calf raise.

As the weights get heavier you'll notice its too much, did you work out your RMs for all these exercises??
peak power's right, drop the isolations. There's no need to do leg curls and leg press, ever. You should also be squatting, you can alternate with deadlifts.
Simplify dude! I know it does not feel right, but how about trusting us? We've been doing it for quite some time.

Cut your workout down to essentials first, until you can lift 2 x body wieght for both squats and dedalifts and at least 1 1/2 x BW for your bench.

Squats are a must IMO, but if you insist go for the leg press!

Mix chins/rows, keep Military press, include dips for chest the rest is basically covered!
As far as volume goes try to keep the number of reps around the same throughout the cycle as this way the work done will be going up too.

Try to get 15-20 reps for each exercise throughout the cycle. So that means 1 set of 15s, 1.5 - 2 sets of 10s, 3 sets of 5s. For the second week of each mesocycle (particularly the RM workouts) you may not be able to complete subsequent sets without reaching failure (something to be avoided if the frequency is 3 times a week) so cluster the reps if you decide you want to get them all.
if you can train 6 days why not do
chest,shoulders. m,w,f,
legs,back, t,th,sa,
that way at least certain bodyparts get some rest just do each a and b routine like two HST vanilla routines running side by side
(Peak_Power @ Sep. 11 2006,19:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Its actually a very intelligent program for what you're trying to do, but I think its a bit complicated and too many exercises, if this is your first HST cycle ever then you'd be better off with just 3xfull body, major compounds, but you seem like an exerienced lifter and probably a gym-junkie too if you want to go 6 days a week. :-)

Cut out all isos, lat raises, leg curls etc, Deadlifts and leg press in same workout prob too much for legs, alternate these. Just do 1 incline and 1 flat/decline bench, and 1 standing 1 sitting calf raise.

As the weights get heavier you'll notice its too much, did you work out your RMs for all these exercises??</div>
Shold I alternate Incline bench/ flat bench and sitting calf raise/standing calf raise between workouts or should I do both at the same workout?
And is it a good idea to alterate squats and deads between workouts?

And yes i worked out all of the RM`s ;)
(Lol @ Sep. 12 2006,07:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As far as volume goes try to keep the number of reps around the same throughout the cycle as this way the work done will be going up too.

Try to get 15-20 reps for each exercise throughout the cycle. So that means 1 set of 15s, 1.5 - 2 sets of 10s, 3 sets of 5s. For the second week of each mesocycle (particularly the RM workouts) you may not be able to complete subsequent sets without reaching failure (something to be avoided if the frequency is 3 times a week) so cluster the reps if you decide you want to get them all.</div>
It makes sense doing 1 set for 15`s 1.5 for 10`s
and 3 for 5`s.
The point is that the sum of all the reps are equal in every mesocycle, right?
but the sum of the load is much greater in the 5`s than the 15`s.

But should i go for 2 sets pr exercise on the first week of 10`s and 1 for the second? or should i spread it around?

And if i`m close to failure or if I can`t do all of the sets f.ex: in the 5`s, should i reduce sets?
or would that mess up the whole progress?

How many sets for the negs btw?

P.S thanks for the help:)
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But should i go for 2 sets pr exercise on the first week of 10`s and 1 for the second? or should i spread it around?</div>

Some guys do this, if it gets too much, it is indeed feasible!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And if i`m close to failure or if I can`t do all of the sets f.ex: in the 5`s, should i reduce sets?or would that mess up the whole progress?</div>

I can't say mess, as such, but you have options like clustering to accomplish set amount of reps for example. Up to you really!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How many sets for the negs btw?</div>

Same...either 3 or drop one set when it gets too much.