critique on my routine


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Mon                  Wed                    Fri

Squat 5x12      Squat  5x12      Squat   5x12
Press 5x12       Bench 5x12       Press    5x12
Chins 5x12       deads 1x12       pull-ups 5x12

Press will be alteranated with bench so bench will be set at monday and friday every other week..
exercises will be done with 70-75 % of 1RM

This is what the recommended program for the novice trainee in Mark Rippetoe`s "Practical Programming for Strength Training "

He recomends 3-5 sets, i tried it with 3 sets, but i felt it was to light and i could give myself more of a beating.

The program was set for 5 reps, but he recomends 12 reps for mass.

Any thoughts?
I think it's excellent, especially since it incorporates pullups once a week. The 5x5 had no pullups and I've been using my T-bar row (which doesn't hit lats) and the lats have shrunk a bit, I'm sure. But I see no armwork. 5x5 gives one day a week to do 3 sets for tri's and bi's, and it's been great for them.
Knowing HST and the 5x5, I can't say for the 12 reps...seems high for strength, and without changing, would stall out sooner or later, probably sooner. Then you'd need to change the reps, IMO.
Sounds like you've got the guts for it.
Mr. Rippetoe says iso`s are just a waste of time for the novice.. so I figured I`ll just try to only do the basics..
chins, pulls, deads, bench and press will work my arms anyway..

and by his defenition im still a novice, that is if i can increase my strenght from workout to workout.

when I stall on an exercise, im going to try what he calls a back-off period.

decrease weight a about 10-15% and work my way back up and beyond..

figured I`ll give it a go

bit worried about overreaching with such a high volume though..
but isnt it best to keep as high volume as I can as long as it doesent interfere with frequency?
Okay Dawg, you and I have just made a classic mistake. I think it's that avatar of yours that throws me off. Put your own pic in there and we'll not make assumptions!

You didn't indicate your training experience and I assumed it was more, so are you new to HST, or did you mean new to strength training...and what are your goals.

IF you were an advanced lifter, and linear progression had stopped working for you, a planned overtraining schedule called periodization (which I'm presently learning about and considering myself) would be the next step, but is not supposedly necessary for beginners. BTW, HST has periodization built into it, of a sort. If you'd like to just educate yourself about it, here's the new link buzzing around:

I've just never considered myself to be an advanced lifter so never tried it. The back-off period sounds just like a zigzag, which is similar, as in HST.
I wouldn't go with the 12 reps per exercise idea unless you are really new to training. Even then I'd probably go with 10 reps. Rippetoe's book is a great book but the 12 reps for bb idea is outdated (certainly questionable).

If you are new to lifting, the first few months will be spent learning good form in all the exercises which will reward you with rapid strength gains (mainly due to neural learning).

If you are not new to lifting, then why not do the exercises you listed but use progressive load over a cycle, varying the rep range accordingly? ie. HST with those exercises. You will make good gains. As there are so few exercises each session you might have to play with the volume a bit to find the right level. 20 reps for each would probably suffice. And don't worry if that seems to little initially. By the time you get to 5s it'll be plenty!  
Quadancer, its actually a picture of Lee Priest

I`ll throw in one of myself soon..

Im not new to training, but I consider myself to be a newb..
I started off training the regular once a week per musclegroup, high volume, going to failure sort of program which gave me nothing...

my stats are:

Height: 182 cm
weight: 98 kg

Bench: 1RM 105kg
Squat: 1RM 105kg
Deadlift: 1RM 130kg