Critque my routine please?


New Member
For some reason a moderator needs to approve my replies in my old thread and its been since yesterday so i thought i would start a new one as i want to start working out my rep maxes today lol!

Squat/deadlift (alternate them) is it okay to do this? so it would be squat, dead, squat dead etc, if i where to squat on monday and start at 75% of my rep max could i deadlift on wednesday with the 5kg increment at 80% of my rep max, and then the friday squat with 85% of my rep max etc?)

Bench press
Wide grip chins
Shoulder press
BB curls
Dips/Narrow grip press

With regards to the SLDs should i drop them when it comes to the 5 reps, i can imagine that it could quite easily compromise my back.

is there anough back exercises there if i followthe scheme of 1x15, 2x10, 3x5

and finally when i get to the 3x5 wont 9 sets a week in total for biceps and triceps be too much?

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Alternating Squat and Deadlift is perfectly acceptable. Yes you just progress as you normally would ex: day 1 Squat 75%, Day 2 Deadlift 80% and so on. Yeah the SLDL could become problematic as you move into the heavier weight. You can do Leg Curls on Squat days or RDL, whichever you prefer. Deadlifts cover it all so IMO i wouldnt do any other lower body movement unless you are trying to bring up your legs. Arm training is tricky. I dropped it totally at the 5's, and my compound lifts are progressing nicely. They will get plenty of stimulation, but you could also alternate these as well tri's mon, bi's wed and so on if they are a weak point. Hope this helps DLman and good luck!
thanks that does sound a good idea with the arms and i think i will drop the SLDs during the 5s. Do you think i should even bother doing them throughout the the whole cycle considering i will be deadlifting and squatting a total of three times a week and at least deadlifting twice on seperate days once every 2 weeks
If you really plan to Squat and Deadlift 3 x week I would drop anything else that directly hits your lower back. Also, like T said alternating between Squats and Deadlifts is a good strategy especially Squatting 2 x week and Deadlifting 1 x week. Another alternative to Deadlifting 3 x week is doing Rack Pulls on some days in place of Deadlifts. They will spare your lower back a little while letting you use more weight to hit your upper back.

If you use a wide stance when you Squat and/or Deadlift you may not need an additional Hamstring exercise to balance out your legs as this will hit your Hamstrings pretty hard, though doing something like Glute Ham Raises or Leg Curls will still help a lot as an assistance exercise.

Also, as T said dropping the arm isos during the 5s is a good idea since at those high weights and low reps injury becomes a real possibility plus you should really be feeling the compounds in your arms by then with the heavier weights. I’ve done this on several cycles where I did arm and other isos into the first week of 10s and then dropped them for the last part of the cycle.
unfortunately my arms do not grow with compounds unlike most other people :(

and yh the help has been great but more importantly the responses have been quick from you guys :)

erm a final question before i start the program in about a month or so would it be okay to drop the deadlifts durings the 15s and just squat, then bring them back and alternate with squats during the 10s and 5s, just that i could imagine 15s with deadlifts will be rather dangerous lol?
Personally I wouldn’t drop the Deadlifts. If you don’t want to work in the 15 rep range with them then there are other things you could do.

Use the 15s weight range but only do 10 reps or however many you are comfortable with. Use this to work on your form.

You could drop down to about 50% of your 1RM and do speed work.

Do some other Deadlift assistance exercises depending on your Deadlifting style.

You could do a combination of the above.

You could just start them out with the 10s weight range and just increment them more slowly until everything else catches up.