curious question


New Member
should i increase the number of sets for weeks? like 15's 1 set, 10's 2 sets, 5's 3 sets?

in the past i haven't but im thinking about it. and depending on the day i'll add another set or i wont
Some do and some don't. Try it and see how it works for you. I find that 5 reps is usulally not enough time under load to stimulate growth for me if I am doing only one exercise per major body part.
Have you been getting good growth out of the 1x5? I would guess not, or you wouldn't be asking, I think just 5 reps isn't enough TUT. 1x15, (edit:)2x10
, 3x5 seems to be pretty popular, and keeps things simple too.

Other people prefer to do volume constant (for 15 or 20 reps total) but then it gets confusing with having to do 1.5 sets etc.
(Peak_Power @ Oct. 12 2006,18:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">......2x20....</div>
What are you trying to do, KILL us?
usually with 5's ill do 2 sets, but im just wondering maybe i should do more sets. ive seen some great gains, but wondering if adding more sets will maximize them

just read bry's post about his workout and he does as many as he can, sometimes 6-8 sets so im wondering if i should really increase it a lot and what do you guys do?
Yes you should do 2x30 with your 5RM load and like it you pussies

Just kidding.

Bryan's been working out for like 25 years, 15 reps is a good initial amount to aim for, if you've been getting good gains from 2x5 then you'll find it will be progessively less effective as RBE builds up (SD can't make it go away completely). Did you find you grew better in the 10s than in the 5s though? If it ain't broke don't fix it, stick with 2x5 til it don't work no more.
actaully i think my best growth was really in last week of 15s, first of 10s... im a very hard gainer

every cycle i was able to push my max weights up too, which means im getting stronger and my size is differently different, but in the mirror i think i did best end 15s , 10s