Custumized HST Scheme

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After trying to read the Pimp My HST I wanted to add/use some of the techniques described in my next cycle...

Due to practical reasons, I have to do 3x/week. Don't have the time to do am/pm or 6x/week routines. GF would kill me.


How does it look?

A couple of questions

* Regarding exercise selection? How are my exercises chosen? Extra attention is given to side of shoulders this cycle.

* Exercise order? How do I put in specialization and metabolic work? I have now put them behind their respective core exercises, so I group muscle by muscle. Other possibility is to do core first, then specialization at the end, and then metabolic work. Which is 'better"?

* Is my volume ok (up to the 5s I mean)? Normally I do about 10-12 exercises using 2set during 15s, 3/2 during 10s en 3/2 during 5s when doing a vanilla cycle.

* Is the 15 reps pulsing enough for metabolic work? I will do progressive loading on those too, is that ok? Or should I use the same load every time?

* As my post 5s.

First workout is repetition of last weight of 5s.
Then it depends.
For the pulling exercises (Upright rowing, chins, barbell rowing) I first go to 1 partial set + 1 full set, then switch to 2 sets of partials, then to 1 partial set + pulse stretching. This way I can make sure I can keep progressing the load (by doing the partials) and doing the pulse stretches. I'll progress the load on the PS too? Is that ok? Other possibility is to keep at 1 partial + 1 full (+1 PS)?

For the pressing exercises, I repeat the weights, and then go to Partials/PS

For the exercises wher I don't feel comfortable doing PS'es, I do partials.

* General question about PS? Which weigth could/should I use? Should I do progressive loading?

Thanx for checking.
It will probably be full of errors, but one can learn!

Btw, I have managed to convert some folks at a dutch bodybuilding forum to try HST, and all of them who have taken the step are pretty fond of it! (One guy even gained 10lbs during his 15s only).


Great to see your posting again - haven't heard from you in awhile.

I like the exercise selection and the use of partials. I still haven't used partials during negatives and I probably won't do it until this summer. Luckily I have some RM #'s from last spring when I was doing Power Factor training which is based on partials.

Regarding metabolic work... keep it simple and throw in a set of your 15RM for a given exercise after you've done the negs or heavy 5's. Specialization - if you want your shoulders bigger/stronger (I am in the same boat) then up the volume.
