cut cycle


New Member
ok I SDed because I really needed a break after my bulk. Now I want to do a cut. I have exactly 6 weeks to work out before I go back to school which I can SD again and start differently. Here is what I have...

Mon, Weds, Fri: HST days
Stiff Legged deadlift
Leg press
flat bench
incline bench
mil press
dips/chins/pullups (1 set each)
Eclipse 20 minutes
Run/jog (brisk pace) 2 miles

Tues, Thurs, Sat: Iso days (took this from Fausto and Colby and tried it last cycle, and I liked it)

leg ext
barbell curls
tri pull down
tri overhead
21s (biceps)
Bike 20 minutes
Jog/walk on incline (easy pace) 2 Miles

Weeks 1 and 2 will be 15 reps, 2 sets.
Weeks 3 and 4 will be 10 reps, 3 sets.
Week 5 will be 5 reps, 4 sets.
Week 6 will be 2 reps, 5 sets.

How does it look? The only thing I am not sure about is the bench press, incline or just flat or both?
How are you planning on handling your diet. You going straight into a full cut with a calorie deficit or you planning something else. I am asking more than anything.

The routine looks good. A lot of volume. That would just about kill me.

eating at maintence and creating a deceit through exercise

yeah it will be hard, but I have a lot of energy for my workouts (i use muscle milk, creatine, and thermo shred {burns fat and sugar}).
eating at maintence and creating a deceit through exercise

yeah it will be hard, but I have a lot of energy for my workouts (i use muscle milk, creatine, and thermo shred {burns fat and glucose}).