cut down frequency?


New Member
I was wondering about the frequency of workouts for the 5´s and neg.

The weight is very heavy at the end of the 5´s and neg. What about cut down frequency under this period?

Instead of - workout, rest, workout , rest.  a.s.o,

include more restdays like - workout, rest, rest a.s.o, to avoid burnout.

Is it necessarily?
Dozens of us have managed it without increasing the rest days. If you are having trouble, why not cut back on volume instead?
Nope, keep going, if it is too heavy, drop sets form three to two.

when you finish and if your joints are hurting some, SD else keep going.

I'd suppose if you have doen your six weeks and it is really heavy you could drop to twice p/week, but IMO it is better to keep frequency as you had it!