cutting/bulking stats


New Member
If you haven't read my posts over the past months, then you wouldn't know that I don't go by the typical cut/bulk cycles. When I first signed on with HST in early summer, I took the advice from people like Old&Grey, Daxie, among a couple others. The advice was to eat 300-500kcals above maintenace with some cardio added to the HST routine. In effect I should lose fat and gain lbm at the same time.

Well, I did - my bf% went down 1.5 and I gained 10 lbs of lean mass through my first long cycle. I still think that most of that was from muscle memory, but nevertheless those were awesome stats.

I did that in 9 weeks of lifting and 2 weeks of SD. I figure I will gain 5 lbs of lean mass and drop another percent and bodyfat in this cycle, which will give me a drop in 2.5% bf and +15 lbs lean mass in 22 weeks.

My question is, what are your gains after two cycles (cut/bulk or bulk/cut)??

Was this after a long layoff? Usually only beginners, or people who have been away from training for a long time, can lose bf and gain muscle simultaneously. Even my most productive bulk/cut cycles only yielded me a couple pounds of "permanent" weight gain.

Please keep us posted as to whether your progress truly continues this way.
-Was this after a long layoff?

Not really, I started HST in mid June. My weight-training was Power Factor training from January through May, but by May, I was lifting full-body once every two weeks.

Anyone else have any stats?
Colby great results! I say if you want maximum muscle gain you prob need to bulk. However I dont like to do that anymore. I use to do it every year in college but the truth is as you get older you naturally bulk a little b/c of and other things so I tend to follow the advice of which Old and grey use to give out and that was to stick with 300 or 500 above maintenance that all it takes to grow..IMO.


Well, I started out in January 2005 starting HST for the first time at around 180 lbs and appx 10% bodyfat (I had bulked poorly prior to that). I began HST and bulked up to 210 lbs, then cut. I'm now at 195 lbs and about 9.5-10%. I didn't keep very good track of where I was after each cycle until just recently, however. And further, this was the result of 5 cycles, one of which was a miniature cycle of only 5s and post-5s, so I'm not sure it's very representative.
Joe - I agree, and that's what I have been doing since I started, but I wanted to get an idea of how people's gains were after a bulk and cut cycle.

Totentanz - So that's about 7.5lbs of lean mass per two cycles and no fat gain, not bad at all.

Hoping to get some more feedback, thanks.

What were your starting stats?

Weight, bf%, years training, SD length between cycles...just curious...
January 31st - I was 215 at 22% bf, and then I basically cut for several months till summer. When I started HST after a 2 week SD, I was 181 at 14% bf. After one cycle and a couple months later, I was 189 at 13.1% bf. Before this year, I had about a year and a half of on and off weight training. I am 193 right now with a suspected bf% of 13.5.
