Cutting Cycle Exercises - Help


New Member
Ok, I know it's not the best idea to SD while cutting. however ; because my shoulders were bothering me a little, I took the past 8 days off.... and yes i was in a caloric deficit. My weight only dropped .5 lbs, so i guess im not real concerned about muscle loss (hopefully).

Anyway, I'm going back at the weights today and I'm trying to set up a nice little cycle for my cutting. I'll start with the weights from my second 10's week.... but I want to know if you guys think these exercises are OK. I cut a couple out because I want a nice small set of core exercises that will get the job done. The job being muscle loss prevention. Let me know if you think cutting certain movements was a bad idea, or if you think I can cut this down further to the bare essentials...thanks.

Incline Press
Military Press
Weighted Crunches

I removed deadlift for my cutting cycle, as well as B/O Rows and calf raises. I am assuming to help prevent muscle loss, squats will be fine without the need for calf raises and deads. Will chins be good enough for lats during a cutting cycle? If not, I would probably add seated rows or something, as bent over rows didnt really agree with me (gave me some weird groin sensations).
you could alternate squats and deadlifts.
you could also drop military press if you wanted,inclines and dips should give your delts enough workout.
Like faz said, I would alternate the squats with deads. Then you can drop shrugs, since deads should give your upper traps enough stimulation to maintain them during a cut. Deads will also give you some calf stimulation and help maintain your back.
I'd like to see rows in there alternated with chins as well, seated rows should be fine, but if you did this then row on squat days and chin on deadlift days. Chins are great, but I think rows hit the middle back a lot better, while chins hit the lats better than rows... so I'd prefer both for a cut.
Good exercise selection overall for a cut. You should be able to maintain your strength with that. Just remember, the main thing you want to worry about on a cut is maintaining your strength. Don't pay attention to size changes because you will usually become deflated during a cut anyway and watching your arms shrink half an inch (temporarily) can be a good way to ruin your confidence.
If you can maintain your 5 RMs, chances are that you maintained most of your muscle mass.
I agree with Faz and Tot, include deads, it is a great maintainer of body mass.

The only thing you have to doi is to accept that you will lift less than normal due to caloric deficit, don't go overboard either, there is no need.

Include some form of cardio on off days and good luck!
Thanks alot for the advice guys. Here is where I'm at
with your advice:

Incline Press

Oh, one more question. Now that chins will be alternated with seated rows, do you think biceps will be hit enough?

I am sore as hell from my first workout after 8 days break.
I like it
What a strange lifestyle!
IMO, chins are a poor lat workout compared to pullups. Do something else for biceps if you must do them. I would recommend personally a 3x3 curl.