Cutting during SD


New Member
I'm about to start SD after my first cycle. I am considering dropping calories to just slightly below maintenance, very low carb/high protein diet and doing moderate cardio every other day during SD, starting a few days after my last weight workout. Sort of a pseudo-cutting phase with no weights for about a week and a half, to try to drop maybe 2-3 pounds of fat without losing much muscle. Anybody try this? Any reason I shouldn't do this? Thoughts?
You should never cut calories while you are not lifting. This is a recipe for muscle loss. If you don't want to lose much muscle then you'd better keep lifting while you cut.
Like Tot said... DONT. Eat maintenance when you SD and when you do 15s when you are cutting. If you are gonna cut then dont worry about SD. Keep lifting your 5RM until your joints start to scream then SD then do 15s. Also when you enter a cutting phase drop the calories in a controlled manner. In other words dont go from +500cal to -500cal in one day. I wouldnt drop more than a 100cal a day when transitioning. Dropping too fast will gut your metabolism and make cutting that much harder. Tot has often advised a short period of maintenance eating between bulking and cutting phases.
ABSOLUTELY! Do not just suddenly drop your calories off of a mass phase or suddenly increase your cals off of a cut. Both of these are recipes for either huge fat gain or huge muscle loss. Patience is key in bodybuilding. If you are still too high of a body fat percentage then I suggest you come back from SD and just do another fat loss phase untill your bf% is somewhere you can be comfortable. If I remember correctly somewhere in the range of 10-15% is a good range to be bulking in. Anything above or below and you won't get optimal results. Good luck.

Nas Man