Cutting on HST


New Member
Since HST's primary goal is to build muscle size. Would we be better off focusing on strength while cutting?

I was thinking that there wouldn't be much scope for hypertrophy when cutting because of the reduced food intake, so I could forget HST and try and build strength while cutting. That way I will get some sort of gains while cutting (strength vs small to no gain in muscle size). The added strength would then allow me to use heavier weights during HST on my next bulking cycle and allow more hypertrophy that way.

What do you think?
if your cutting i dont think you will gain much strength (reduced energy intake etc) just stick with 10s or 5s.
I agree with Faz, I believe it's almost impossible for an experienced lifter to make strength gains while cutting. In my opinion, your best bet would be to try and maintain your strength on your major lifts during a cut.
I think I've made my opinion about this pretty clear in previous threads, but I think HST is fine for cutting, As the guys said, you want to just focus on maintaining strength in the major lifts, and pour the rest of your energy into maintaining your diet. Don't SD and either skip the 15s or keep calories at maintenance during the 15s, only cutting calories once you get into the 10s. Don't do any isolations - waste of energy and effort during a cut.
If you can maintain your 5 RM in squats, deads, rows, bench and press during your cut, then chances are you kept as much muscle as possible.
Cool. Since I have a sore shoulder I will do a bit of cardio for a week then do 15's since it will be lighter weight for my shoulder.

I don't really count calories (I know I know). Bulking for me = 5 protein shakes a day and cutting = one shake after training and trying to cut down on shitty fast foods, too much beer and soft drink.