Cutting + Strength questions...


New Member
Hi guys,

Currently 5 weeks into my first cycle (after reading alot through this website) and I am heavily cutting. I don't plan to stop cutting until I get ripped (might take another 2-3 cycles for me).

I just wanted to ask can I expect to see any considerable strength gains in this time? Obviously I shouldn't expect too much as I am on a big calorie deficit, but should I expect any?

I've not seen much since I've started...but will be interesting to see how my 15, 10 and 5RMs change for Cycle 2.

Also I've noticed many people advocate doing compounds and ignoring many isolates...I can see the logic in this but I'm one of those people that aren't satisfied until I feel I've fully worked out, hard to explain but hopefully you know what I mean??

At the moment I am doing deadlifts, squats, bench press, shoulder press, lat pulls/back rows as my main compounds, but then do bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, leg extensions and calf raises (not all on the same day of course) to round off my compounds.

Is it perfectly fine to do this or should I cut the isolates out and let the compounds do all the work!?

i didnt get any strength gains overall when cutting for 12 weeks, i felt like Sh*T after about week 8 and the weights felt REAL heavy.