Cutting without Cardio


New Member
I am considering an experiment. I intend to cut without cardio, but doing metabolic work.

My initial workout plan is 1x15 + 1x10(same weight;explosive), 1x10 + 1x10 (15RM; explosive), 2x5 + 1x10 (4th 10s weight; explosive), then maintain 5RM unless I can go up in weight. By explosive I mean max effort concentric and half speed negative. Rest will be minimal to keep heart rate up. Starting 15rep workout is roughly 55% of 5RM.

Diet: I count my calories and 75% of food is considered "clean." Nutrition in general should be good.

Supps: 6g fishoil, multivitamin, creatine, HMB.

BTW I am not sure the HMB really helped that much during my bulk. I wanna give it a shot during a cut though.

Goal: I would like to try for 1.5lbs/wk unless that is strongly recommended against.

Current Stats:
BW: 191
BF 16.4% (Yes I didnt behave dietarily during my SD. Although the BF analyzer seems to read higher when I am not working out regularly.)

Oh yeah I just noticed I can attach files so I plan on updating my bulking results in the "HST Results" thread. Ill give a before and after of the cut cycle as well.

Should I consider a weekly calorie surplus day perhaps to replenish nuutrient stores or would this simply give me some more fat to take off?

HMB? My mind is stuck; I keep thinking HGH.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Diet: I count my calories and 75% of food is considered &quot;clean.&quot; Nutrition in general should be good. </div>

Check out the Optimizing Your Caloric Intake thread that I started a couple days ago. You may find some helpful tips with calorie counting and calculating your BMR as well as tips for cutting.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Goal: I would like to try for 1.5lbs/wk unless that is strongly recommended against. </div>

At your bodyfat%, I think that is doable.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Current Stats:
BW: 191
BF 16.4% (Yes I didnt behave dietarily during my SD. Although the BF analyzer seems to read higher when I am not working out regularly.)</div>

How do you calculate your bf%?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should I consider a weekly calorie surplus day perhaps to replenish nuutrient stores or would this simply give me some more fat to take off? </div>

If your diet is clean, then why do you need to repnelish nutrient stores? If that is your concern, then take a multivitamin every day with food.
Oh, and as far as cutting goes without cardio. I am doing it this cycle...

1) It is too damn cold outside.
2) Lines at gym are long and even longer for cardio stations, and you can only use a tredmill for 20 minutes tops.
This is just from memory: HMB is the minor metabolic product of leucine. Its supposed to be a limiting reagent in intra muscular cholesterol synthesis. Basically its supposed to help your muscles repair faster.

I have glanced at the thread and it does contain good info. I am at the point now where I dont need calculations though. I have a good handle on my maintenance cals.

Bodyfat is calculated using an OMRON something or other via bioimpedance. More detail can be found in my bulking results post in the &quot;Your Results with HST&quot; thread.

I am not so worried about vitamins and minerals. I am pretty certain I am getting enough of those. I thought it might be a good idea to attempt to replenlish glycogen stores to aid with the lifting/prevent strength loss.
HMB is also ****, apart from being a metabolite. You`d have to get a zillion grams in your system to create the possibility of it having any worthy effect...and unless you are a complete newbie to training, it won`t have one. I do think that saving your money would be a far better thing then getting HMB.

And yes, I know Bryan said that it MIGHT be useful with HST, but I still think that the benefits(if any existed, which seems not to be the case) would be far too minimal to justify the cost.
I added one of my &quot;after&quot; pics to my post in the HST results thread. I have 4 different poses with befores of varying dates and afters all on 1/28/07. I am not sure how to post them all. I dont have webspace and making a bunch of posts would be kinda crappy. Any suggestions?