Cycle Planning


New Member
When setting up/planning a cycle, rather than working with 15, 10, 5, 3, why not simply start with 3RM weight and work backwards to 70% of your 15RM?

Is it really optimum to progress for 2 weeks, then deload for a week, then progress for 2 weeks, then deload, then progress? Wouldnt it be more efficient to do as I mentioned above... start at 70% of your 15RM and add weight slowly each workout until you reach 100% of your 3RM then SD for 9-14 days and repeat?

OR... is it necessary to push for only 2 weeks then must deload slightly before pushing again? If you pushed/progressed for the entire 8 week cycle without a deload, would that reduce results and lead to overtraining?

Trying to set up cycle to be as optimal as possible
some people zigzag the load some dont,as long as the weight progresses over the cycle thats the important part.

You may be misunderstanding the setup, I work as you mention the only difference is I do it from 1RM backwards.

Deload every two weeks, I'm sure you mean the slight zigzag, this allows you to aclimatize better than doing a linear progression but nothing stops you from doing linear many of us do!

Optimal is what lyes in the eyes of the beholder. The main setup is a fit for all thing, it will not always suit everyone but it is a good guideline!

Yes, Im referring to the zig-zag or slight deload during the beginning of the next rep zone.

So, I could just start light, and add weight steadily until i reach my max weight... linear progression, then SD and go again?

Question tho.. is the program set-up to purposely take advantage of the deload/zig-zag. Is this something I should be doing? Should I be backing off every 2 weeks or should I push as long as I can?

Is there a definate advantage to backing off, then pushing again? Does the CNS need it during a 6-8 week cycle?

The other thing I noticed, is that abviously, if I go the linear... no zigzag route, the cycle is shorter than if I go traditional with the deload workouts. Should my cycles be short and intence, or should I be striving to make them last as long as possible.

What do most of you veteran, multiple cycles under your belt, HST guys do...
I started playing with this a year ago. Did a thread on it here:
But had some trouble with it near the end, as you see. Later did whole body on linear successfully.
I find that if you are hitting too many maxes or stalling, just insert a zigzag or deload and your strength will shoot up again.
You'll want to try to stay under maxes as much as you can, but linear keeps you closer to the ceiling, and when you have a "bad" day, it's maximal because of other conditions. You could be superman in your next w.o., so don't deload just from one tough workout.
And you can deload just one part of yourself, E.G., legs.