Cycle starting to fall apart


New Member
I live in an apartment complex that has a seperate, but onsite gym, free to residents. The apartment complex leases space to the gym, but does not run it as they are thier own business.

I normally do my workouts on Mon, Wed, Fri. This past Friday I was unable to work out so I decided to do Friday's workout on Saturday. I usually avoid weekends there because I like to go in early and it's a crapshoot as to when somebody actually shows up to unlock the doors.

Of course they weren't open when they were supposed to be. Thing is, they never opened at all on Saturday. Or Sunday either. I talked to the rental office and they made some calls to try to see why it wasn't opened, but they just got the run around.

I go there this morning and the doors are locked. Normally it's opened up on time during the week, but not today. There are a few regulars that I see as well, but they weren't around either. I'm going to try to workout after work today assuming they're open, but if not, then the soonest I'll be able to get into a gym would be Wednesday. That would meant that I haven't worked out for a week.

Should I just cut my losses and take a second week off, call it SD and start over? I don't even know what's going on with the gym yet. For all I know they could be going out of business (which wouldn't surprise me with the way it's ran). It's frustrating because I'm in the middle of my 10's and starting to see some gains.

I could join a different, more professional gym, but it really hits me as far as convenience and $$$ are concerned. Assuming the gym isn't going belly up, it's free and a 5 minute walk away from where I live. But this damned inconvenient...

Any ideas?
(Fausto @ Jul. 03 2006,14:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Neebone's right!</div>
You say it like you're surprised!
I assume they dont have gym instructors there.

Do they just unlock they place and let residents use it when they want?

If so, see if you can talk them in to giving you your own key.

Its not like anyone tries to run off with the equipment, is it?
(Dave_H @ Jul. 03 2006,10:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I assume they dont have gym instructors there.

Do they just unlock they place and let residents use it when they want?

If so, see if you can talk them in to giving you your own key.

Its not like anyone tries to run off with the equipment, is it?</div>
No, they have personal trainers (if you want to call them that). Usually somebody will open the doors to the facility (it's more than just a gym) and then unlock the locker rooms and the gym. The past few days, you can't even get into the building.

And people would walk off with equipment. Either that or people are playing hide and seek with some of the dumbells...
you could look into a local gym that has a punch card or something similar. that way you buy @10 visits and only use them when your current gym is locked.

your current gym does sound like a good deal as far as $$$$ but not as far as the convience. it would only take 1-2 times of the place being locked when im ready to w/o before i traded a 5min walk for a place i can count on.
Seriously look into the accredited or accumulative type gym memberships...we have one that's $35 for 11 visits, no time limit. Look into the local papers for athletic, rehabilitation, or lifting clubs and maybe try to keyword some searches on the net. Just brainstormin' here. Maybe they'd be inclined to give you a key if you insinuated an interest in helping them take care of the place, I.E. keeping weights in the racks, preventing theft, etc.
Good luck bruh.
I found out the official word last night while talking to the rental office...

The gym filed for bankruptcy. Everything has to remain locked up until they go through the courts. The rental office is pretty pissed about it as they made a deal with the gym to pay for the residents to have it as an amenity. I'm sure that the hotels right next to it who offer it to guests aren't too happy either.

I mentioned that I would have to look for a new gym and they said not to sign a long contract. They are planning on buying the gym I was using and reopening it after all the legal crap is out of the way. They're guessing 3-6 months before they can do this.

Right now I'm looking into trial memberships and pay as you go. I'll probably get a trial at a chain gym to get me through this cycle. While that is going on, I'll be looking into the options that were mentioned above (thanks for the ideas, by the way). If anybody has any leads for my area (north side of Columbus, Ohio), I'd love to hear them.