

New Member
Can someone clarify this to me, about settin your next cycle after the first one.
Bryan wrotes in the faq book these comments, they are about the same thing but a different approach.

First ones:
...plan your next cycle accordingly. Don't lower your 15RM, just lower your starting weight next cycle (make sure your SD is just as effective/long as well). This allows greater increments during the 15s, and an overall greater progression of weight used over the entire cycle. Once again, perfect!
What will determine your success is more dependent upon how wide the range is between your effective starting poundage’s during the 15s and your ending poundage’s used for 5s or negatives. So your goal for continued success, cycle after cycle, is to increase that range - by either decreasing the effective starting weight and/or increasing the finishing weight of the cycle.

Okey, I get that what he means but on the other page he says like this:
The next time around, rather than finding your maxes all over again, simply add 5-10 pounds to all your lifts. In other words, go back over your previous cycle and add 5 – 10 pounds to each weight that you recorded before for the next cycle. Keep in mind that training at your absolute max weight is not necessary to grow….trust me.
Meaning, you add weights to EACH lift. This way the difference still stays the same between the first of 15s and the last of 5s.

So, what should I do? Just add weight? Lower the first lifts, add weight to RM or write more questions in here? :p

Thanks again faz.
Nice to see that there's still some action here...and people taking time to answer noobies like me...asking stupid questions.

Well, there arenät any stupid questions, only stupid people asking them.

Hey, wait a minute! :P
Thanks again faz.
Nice to see that there's still some action here...and people taking time to answer noobies like me...asking stupid questions.

Well, there arenät any stupid questions, only stupid people asking them.

Hey, wait a minute! :P
the problem is most on here are on different time scales,ie some are from england,brazil,america,europe,africa,etc.