Daily split


New Member
Hi. I'm coming back from lifting from a year off without it because of work. I'm thinking of starting with HST, but I'm thinking with my limited schedule, I may have to split my workout to daily routines to limit workout time to around 30 mins to 1 hour.

Workout A: Sunday/Tues/Thurs
Bench x 2
Incline Bench x 2
Squats x 2
DB Press x 2
Deadlifts x 2
Lateral Raises x 2
Triceps extensions x 2
Standing calf raises  x 2

Workout B: Monday/Wed/Fri
Bent over row x 2
Lat pulldown x 2
EZ Curls x 2
Shrug x 2

Saturday - Off

What do you guys think?
Splits like that are good to save time!

However, don't waste your time with arm isolation exercises then. I'll edit your workout to look like this:

Workout A: Sunday/Tues/Thurs
Military Press
Standing calf raises

Workout B: Monday/Wed/Fri
Chins OR Lat Pulldown

You could also add in more frequency for your arms and back by doing this:

A (Sun/T/R)
Chins or Lat Pulldowns
Military Press
Standing calf raises

Bench Press

I would go with the latter as your arms and back are hit 6x/week.

So i'll be working out each body part daily then? So i'll just be doing one set per exercise daily so I can total around 6 sets a week per body part?
if you are just starting back i wouldnt do 6 days just 3x a wk
low pulley row

shoulder press
Thanks for the help guys!

Few more questions:

1.) I can do only around 5 reps of dips with just my body weight.
Can I just substitute it with another chest excercise like DB Press/Incline Bench plus a triceps exercise? Assisted dip machines aren't available at the gym where im at.. (Maybe later when I'm at the later part of my 5's I can start doing them) Would this be ok?

2.) I'm at the first week of my 15s right now, I find that the initial weights seem way to low especially the early part, so I used higher weights and repeated them so i can complete the 6 workouts of the 15s. Like:

DB Shoulder Press 20-20-30-30-40-40.

How many times can I repeat the weight and still not lose the benefit? In some of the exercises, I may have to repeat the weights 3 times. Would that be ok?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1.) I can do only around 5 reps of dips with just my body weight. Can I just substitute it with another chest excercise like DB Press/Incline Bench plus a triceps exercise? Assisted dip machines aren't available at the gym where im at.. (Maybe later when I'm at the later part of my 5's I can start doing them) Would this be ok?

I guess you can do dips during 5's and negatives, but the progression on the 5's may be tricky. Definitely substitute it with DB Press OR Incline Bench... no triceps exercise is really needed. You could probably do skulls in the 15's and 10's though.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I'm at the first week of my 15s right now, I find that the initial weights seem way to low especially the early part, so I used higher weights and repeated them so i can complete the 6 workouts of the 15s. Like:

DB Shoulder Press 20-20-30-30-40-40.</div>

Yeah if you started with something lower than 20, then it is too low. Progression is key, but so is load. The key is to start somewhere around 60-70% of your given RM. For the smaller exercises, you can slip to 50% like you did just there.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How many times can I repeat the weight and still not lose the benefit? In some of the exercises, I may have to repeat the weights 3 times. Would that be ok?</div>

Three times would be fine, but I wouldn't go more.