Deadlift and powerclean not for HST?


New Member
I noticed that in the example workouts on the main page that it did'nt include deadlifts, but it did have 2 sets for shrugs; so i thought that surly it would be better to do deadlift instead of doing an isomovement like shrugs. i also wanted to start power cleaning again and it hits the traps as well here is my workout

this is only my first cylce first week second workout this feeling like throwing up happened and the weights only get hevyer from here so i need help

1-Stiff leg deadlift
2-Inline bench
1-power clean
2-lat pull down
2-BB military Press siting
1-BB curl
1-Sull crush
2-standing calf raises
1-cable crunch
1-flat crunch

only 18 sets like the example but with deadlift and power clean and maby more compound elsewere too

I got threw the deadlift and decided to skip power clean so i could finish without throwing up and i still barly finished. It because 15 reps are just soo tiring?

should i remove things? and then add them back when i got to my 10 rep week?

is power cleaning nonsince with HST?

any comments are welcom.
I don't see a problem with doing this, but I'm not surprised you almost threw up. That's a lot of work during the 15s. I don't feel that multiple sets are necessary during the 15s. Also, I would cut down the number of exercises for the 15s, personally, and add them back in during the 10s. But... the only other thing you can do to avoid the nausea is to rest a little more between sets.
(Totentanz @ Mar. 21 2006,20:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't see a problem with doing this, but I'm not surprised you almost threw up.  That's a lot of work during the 15s.  I don't feel that multiple sets are necessary during the 15s.  Also, I would cut down the number of exercises for the 15s, personally, and add them back in during the 10s.  But... the only other thing you can do to avoid the nausea is to rest a little more between sets.</div>
totnz is on the money with this advice.

its a solid program and power cleans are awesome exer. but for your 1st cycle of hst doing 15s w/recommended rest (90-120secs) for that many exer. may be a bit much for you. try some of the stuff totnz recom. after a few weeks and/or cycles you will adapt and then you will be on your way.

Welcome to HST! I see you have already had a taste of the 15's

NOt quite what they seem hey?

Anyway, let me try and help with some lessening in your workout, we'll spliot it into two and alternate both each day.

Workout A                                Workout B
2-squat                                    1- deadlift
1-Stiff leg deadlift                     1- power clean
2-standing calf raises               2- standing calf raises
2-Inline bench                          2- dip
2-lat pull down                         2- Pull ups or
2-BB military Press sitting         2- B/o rows- if chins 2 hard
1-BB curl                                   2- d/b Lateral raises
1-Skull crush                             1- Incline DB curl
1-cable crunch                          1- Skull crush
                                                1- flat crunch

I'd still say keep the curls and skullcrushers for the 5's include them then only, do your l;at pull downs chins or bent over rows with unedrhand grip to involve the biceps in the mean time.

Hope this will help you

Oh, and BTW, you no wimp, wanting to &quot;hurl&quot;, I've been there and many others, deadlifts are a love/hate relationship type of exercise! They are hard as hell. One small tip do not put anything in your stomach unless it is an hour or longer before attempting deads.

I agree with Fausto's suggestion to break that routine in half, if only to separate squats from deadlifts within the same workout. They are very hard to combine together and my lower back couldn't take it as the weights got heavier later in a cycle.

Make sure your stomach is completely empty before deadlifting.
I think you've got too many exercises, it's great to use A &amp; B workouts like Fausto suggested. But, I'd still cut down the amount of exercises. For example, if you're squatting (olympic squats) deadlifting and cleaning, I see no reason to do calf raises. I would cut out the curls and skullcrushers also.

I know how you feel, I deadlifted 425x15 tonight, there's no way I would power clean in the same workout or day. I did heavy cleans last night. On Wed. when I deadlift, I only do 4 other exercises dips, chins, presses and front squats.

And to answer your question, absolutely not, deadlifts and cleans should be a part of every routine unless you have an injury.
What about this;

standing military press
close grip underhand pull ups
hang pull
A good A &amp; B program is something like this:

A: squats, bench, cleans or bent rows
B: deadlift, dips, chins, press

Some guys do back squats and deadlifts in the same workout or the same day, I don't do that anymore. Once both were well over 400 lbs it was just too much.
on the last two simple programs posted i noticed arms are never done (or not isolated) will arms still grow on a program like that?

i have alwayed inclued arms in the past but then again i am new to HST
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">on the last two simple programs posted i noticed arms are never done (or not isolated) will arms still grow on a program like that? </div>

Your arms will grow.. the compound exercises such as chins, deads, dips, bench press, etc.. will be plenty enough to give sufficient work to your triceps and biceps.

When doing Chins.. do wide grip and close grip. The close grip will focus more on your biceps just like you were doing curls.
I would at least do burn sets for arms if you don't include them in your routine. In fact, doing burn sets for arms after heavy compounds works really well for me.
How do you do your burn sets? I haven't done them in such a long time because I figured it was against HST protocols since that is training to failure.
I don't train to failure, I just do high reps to get a burn. I would use my 15 RM or something close to it for curls, then do 15 reps or however many it takes to get a burn.
Anyway, even if you go to failure just on curls, you aren't going to start doing them until the 5s at the earliest, so just that wouldn't stress your CNS enough to cause major problems. But if it is a worry, then just stop a rep short of failure. All you are looking for is a burn here, nothing more.