Deadlift and squat in every session


New Member
I have one question for hst expert.
What do you think about to use both deadlift and squat every training session?
Is it too much or could be productive?

I'm sorry for my bad english

It could be productive, but for most of us it is too much for the lower back.

Best is to alternate each day!

M - Squat/W- Deads/F- Squat and so forth.

You could however use on the same day if you do a 2x/day - 3x/week workout program.

Squat or deadlift in the morning and reverse in the afternoon.
I have been doing squats and deadlifts on the same day for a long while and I like it.

so far no problems.
i have done it ,but it is very hard mentaly as well as fausto said it is very tough on the back..and when you do both in one session IMO you cant give your best to the other exercises.