Deadlift frequency.


New Member
I just finished the first week of the 5RM (5RM each workout rather than 3RM with negs)

Im getting alot of carry over DOMS from deadlifts, i train every second day and the heavy deads are getting to me. I was thinking of subbing in seated row or maybe Tbar rows and alternating.

Any advice from the masters??

And i m also cutting, not hard but still on reduced calories which makes a difference to recovery.

DOMS stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Sorness, which you're gonna get if you do heavy deads every other day...

When you get into your 5s weeks and the weight starts getting heavy (at last!), you might want to think of limiting heavy deads to once a week.

[and no, I'm not a "master"]
Shoot, I get sore from deads most of the week just doing them on Mondays. I alternate them with squats but you could alternate with bentover rows or something similar.
thanks for all your responses.

I actually do rack pulls, so i can perform squats well in the same session.

Ill replace with bent row as suggested by Totz.

Every day im like an old many trying to bend using my back its so fatigued. i was doing drop sets and it was even worse.

just for info, my current set up is

Pull ups
shoulder press
Ok is you are doing rack pulls then yeah, definitely alternate with rows. How heavy are you going with your rack pulls? I tend to go about 100 - 150 lbs heavier than conventional deads, and rack pulls are easily where I am moving the most weight around ever. It's definitely a great exercise for back thickness but can beat the crap out of your lower back if you are moving loads to much heavier than with any other lift. Assuming that your experience is similar to mine, then you may even consider alternating with a chest supported rows instead of the bentover rows, in order to give your lower back a bit of rest.
i havent full deadlifted in a while but was around 130kg - 286lbs for 6 reps, x 3 sets.

Im rack pulling 160kg-350lbs. Starting the lift just below my knees.

Chest supported rows sounds great. Even demonstrating bent dumbell rows to a mate this morning my back was burning.

TOTZ, what height do you start your rack pulls?? Maybe i could start them a little higher and save the quads some work and load up more weight.
I think you should warm up, regardless of the rep scheme, then step up the weight till you reach your intended lift!

Deads are tough, but man...they are good for you!
i havent full deadlifted in a while but was around 130kg - 286lbs for 6 reps, x 3 sets.

Im rack pulling 160kg-350lbs. Starting the lift just below my knees.

Chest supported rows sounds great. Even demonstrating bent dumbell rows to a mate this morning my back was burning.

TOTZ, what height do you start your rack pulls?? Maybe i could start them a little higher and save the quads some work and load up more weight.

When I do them as a back movement, I start just slightly above the knee, which apparently from what I've read online is what most people do and recommend. I've done cycles where I lower them a notch every couple of weeks to try to drive up my deadlift as well. But if you are doing them as a back movement, like I said, just slightly above the knee. That should allow you to load up a lot more weight. Based on the numbers you posted, I wouldn't be surprised if you could pull 405 that way after you get used to it.
after having tuesday off deads and doing chest supported Tbar rows, i felt alot fresher this morning doing rack pulls, hit a PR of 375 lbs for 5 reps for 2 sets, i didnt have anything left for the 3rd set. I lowered to just under my knees to my upper shin.
As im just aiming to hit my back ill try only lowering to my knees and hopefully be able to move more weight.
375lbs and lowering below the knee was damn hard, form was JUST holding on.

Thanks for your comments Fausto, yes i warm up well especially for deads. I think i did
130lbs x 5 reps
175lbs x 5
220lbs x 5
265lbs x 5
310lbs x 5
350lbs x 5
375 x 5reps x 2 sets

I know the deadlift hits traps, but how much? ive noticed since im lifting some decent weight over the past few months my traps really growing, although my barbell shrug lifts (265lbs) hasnt really increased alot.

Thanks for all the answers and time from everyone.
Shoot, yeah you'll be rack pulling 405 in no time. I think you'll find that once you go heavier with the bar starting up a bit higher, you'll experience a lot more tension in your traps and upper back. I wouldn't worry about shrugs. I don't even do them but once in a great while, like seriously once a year maybe at most to be honest. Like I said, I think rack pulls are one of the best exercises for overall back development.
nice Totz, if i could get over 400lbs id be cheering!

my goal is 440lbs, 200kg here in Aus as of June Next year.

Deadlifts/Rack Pulls are awesome, im definitely feeling the 375lbs in my lower back as i sit here in the office at work.

Ill probably continue doing Shrugs while i have the time in the gym.
Yeah keep doing the shrugs if you like them. You could try power shrugs if you are finding your shrugs aren't progressing too quickly. Do those for a cycle or two and see what happens. Basically you start with the bar right where I recommended you do for rack pulls, lift the bar explosively, shrugging upward, them shrug down a little more slowly. It's kind of like negatives for standard shrugs with a cheat on the concentric. Those can be fun.
those power shrugs sound good, ill give those a go. I sort of understand how to do them. The other option would be to possibly add high rep burn sets, sort of drop sets of shrugs after doing deadlifts, might be a good combo.

Its good to know if i get sick of shrugs that deads will cover them.

Im thinking about adding some forearm work in so that may take the shrugs place. I can deadlift without straps up to around 240lbs then after that my grip fails so im not getting lot of heavy forearm work.

YOu still cutting Totz?