Deadlifting on a different program, bad idea?


Active Member
So I am in my second cycle of HST and still making good gains. Right now I am purposely losing weight so I am not seeing huge growth but I am hitting my numbers just fine. Overall I lift just for looks and I don't really care about how strong I am, that is with one exception, the deadlift. I really love the deadlift.

So I really focus on my deadlift gains and everything else I am much less interested in. HST has been doing fine as far as gains but after each lift I want a little more and I end up loading up the bar and progressing into the 80-95% of my 1rm just for singles. So far I am injury free, the extra strain hasn't gotten in the way of my other lifts and I am recovered in time to do my deads again by the next workout. I am not super strong and my dead is still less than 2X my body weights so I haven't experienced any sort of CNS fatique from the added higher weight singles. Wanting to do the heavier weights more often and really push my PR I was thinking of moving just my deadlifts to a 5/3/1 workout but keeping everything else HST. Is this retarded?
Thanks for the feedback OG, I have been trying it for about 6 workouts and it has worked just fine so far.
A bit late to chime in, but I've had my best strength increases in the deadlift when doing 5/3/1. It seems the slow gradual percentage based increase suits my DL perfectly. Since stopping 5/3/1 about 2 months ago, my DL numbers have dropped significantly. All other lifts have improved.

I am actually considering moving back to 5/3/1 again but only for the DL. I also wonder if the high rep DL (BBB) I did contributed to the strength increase.
A bit late to chime in, but I've had my best strength increases in the deadlift when doing 5/3/1. It seems the slow gradual percentage based increase suits my DL perfectly. Since stopping 5/3/1 about 2 months ago, my DL numbers have dropped significantly. All other lifts have improved. I am actually considering moving back to 5/3/1 again but only for the DL. I also wonder if the high rep DL (BBB) I did contributed to the strength increase.

You just pulled 200 kg, doesn't seem too bad to me. I do think higher rep Deadlift work is a great way to build muscle, and contributes to your overall Deadlift power.
Thanks for more feedback. For me I didn't find that HST wasn't working I just was bored lifting the weight I would do at 15s and 10s which lead to it being harder to keep a consistent schedule for deads. I usually do a high rep (12-20) set or two while warming up to my working sets. For those I try to focus on speed or take the time to work alternate grips.
Max-stimulation style deadlifts are one of the best ways to train. Do a rep, wait 30 seconds, do another rep, wait 30 seconds... 10 total reps with a 30 second rest between pulls. Great Training method for deads.
So I am in my second cycle of HST and still making good gains. Right now I am purposely losing weight so I am not seeing huge growth but I am hitting my numbers just fine. Overall I lift just for looks and I don't really care about how strong I am, that is with one exception, the deadlift. I really love the deadlift.

So I really focus on my deadlift gains and everything else I am much less interested in. HST has been doing fine as far as gains but after each lift I want a little more and I end up loading up the bar and progressing into the 80-95% of my 1rm just for singles. So far I am injury free, the extra strain hasn't gotten in the way of my other lifts and I am recovered in time to do my deads again by the next workout. I am not super strong and my dead is still less than 2X my body weights so I haven't experienced any sort of CNS fatique from the added higher weight singles. Wanting to do the heavier weights more often and really push my PR I was thinking of moving just my deadlifts to a 5/3/1 workout but keeping everything else HST. Is this retarded?

I generally program deadlifts uniquely on HST cycles, imo there's no other real way to do this. I tend to do something like sets of 5 once a week gradually ramping up over the course of ~6 weeks towards a 5 RM.


Week 1 = 2 sets of 5 @ 75% 1 RM (approximately your 10 RM in the deadlift)
Week 2 = 2 sets of 5 @ 77% 1 RM
Week 3 = 2 sets of 5 @ 79% 1 RM
Week 4 = 2 sets of 5 @ 81% 1 RM
Week 5 = 2 sets of 5 @ 83% 1 RM
Week 6 = 1 set of 5+ (as many as you can safely do) @ 85% 1 RM (projected 5 rep max)

After this, I'd either continue the cycle aiming for new ~3-5 RM territory week to week (if your HST cycle lasts longer than 6 weeks), or recalculate your 1 RM based on your performance on week 6 and repeat something like that for the next HST cycle.
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