Deadlifts and Squats


New Member
I've finally finished recovering from foot surgery to the point where I can get back to doing Squats and Deadlifts and I don't have to do leg extensions and leg curls anymore(Thank God).

My question is how do I fit this into HST. I can't imagine doing both deadlifts and squats in the same workout every other day because it'll take its toll on my lower back. I know this because when I was doing Starting Strength that one day a week I did deadlifts with squats really took a while to cover from.

As I have it right now, one workout I do squats, one workout I do deadlifts. Is this fine? Should I throw in another exercise with each lift on their days if it's not enough? If so, what?

Thanks in advance.
Keep it simple mate,

as Faz said - alternate squats and deads. Two of the best exercises for muscle growth that there is.

I wouldn't bother with superflurous exercises like leg extensions and curls as well, although you could add calf work if you wanted, as I personally feel my calves need that little bit extra...?
I find that once I get to the heavy end of a cycle that I still get good results from deads if I do them once a fortnight, rather than weekly, and alternate with cleans and/or RDLs.

I find this works well:

Mon: Front squats - easier on lower back
Wed: Deads alt. with cleans/RDLs
Fri: Back squats - I generally use low-bar which I find a little kinder on my lower back than high-bar mainly because I can maintain better form with a heavy load - I GM a lot less coming out of the hole.

If I deadlift every week during a cycle I find my lower back starts to become a nuisance in daily life as it fatigues so quickly - even something like standing at a sink to do the washing up is less than fun.
Thanks for the quick replies.

Great, so I guess that means I'll go with my original plan. My only worry was that squats or deadlifts alone on a single day wouldnt be enough for legs but after yesterdays workout, I no longer have those doubts. I was going pretty heavy on leg curls and extensions and after doing pretty light squats compared to what I was up to before surgery, holy crap were my legs sore. It was mostly my glutes and hamstrings. Reminded me why I love squats.