

New Member
Hi all, just wondering what you're thoughts are on this. I used to squat and deadlift in my HST routine. Alternating days and 3days/week. I did cardio 2days/week on off days.

My first mishap... my back tweaked a little upon setting the weights down during dl's on one of my max 5 workouts. Nothing too bad but my back was sore for a few days. about 2 weeks later, the same thing happened. Then i started my next cycle (after about 10day SD). Here, i was worried about over stressing my back and so i limited my routine to 1day/week dl, and 1day/week squat. I did fine until I reached my max 5's again. This time, upon setting the weights down, i threw out my back. This took me out of the gym for about a week and i had a hell of a time even getting out of bed and off of the couch for a few days. That was about 4 months ago.

I stopped squats and DL's all together but am on my 2nd cycle since the accident. I stopped squats because my knee was chronically soar for months by that point and my cardio was getting tough to do. I do ATF squats and i do feel really good about my form. DL's on the other hand, i feel like my form is good but if i slip just slightly (and it happens only when setting the weight down), i get messed up pretty bad.

My back is still slightly soar since then and I feel it will probably take another few months before it's normal again. Does anyone else not do DL's because of back issues? Any other similar stories? DL's are spoken about here as if they're sacred... but i don't want to throw out my back again, not even once, for the rest of my life. I'm only 26 and I shouldn't have back issues now.

Should i work them back in to my routine? Or should I focus on getting squats back in? or both? For the last 2 routines, i hit my calves real hard and I do some interval training on the stairmaster, nothing else for legs (they still look okay though).

If i do work them back, any ideas on how to really get used to them so i don't throw out my back again? My max was 225lbs. Can i have the BB slightly elevated before starting, or is that cheating?

I have a lower back issue that effects my deads and squats. If I were you I would give it a rest. You don't want a little issue to become a big issue. Just do leg press and leg extensions for two cycles. Don't worry they will work fine. Then after two cycles ease back into it. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint

You ask about having the bar slightly elevated. That's a great suggestion. Due to some hip inflexibility related to arthritis, I've been doing `partial deads' for a number of years. This means I put the pin in the rack where the bar will only come down to a point "somewhere" between my lower shin and knee. By "somewhere" I mean to a point where I can maintain proper back posture at the bottom of the lift. I don't get the full benefit of deads from the floor, but something is better than nothing. I've known some folks doing partial deads from the knees up just to `avoid' any back problems. If I were you, I would do as Bob Evans suggests. Work them back in over time and maybe even work your way from a short range of motion and move the pin down the rack over time as well. It sounds like you have a good understanding that anything you do now in your youth can come back to haunt you ten-fold down the road. You couldn't be more correct. We all want to be lifting weights until late in life, it's the way to go.
Dr Boogies,

I just joined a new Gold's franchise. They have awsome equiptment. Everything in the world. Stuff I have never seen before. But they don't have a good old fashion squat rack!!! How do Deads (partial deads that is) work on a smith machine???

Gold’s not having a squat rack? Good thing the owner discovered how bad they are for people, lets take all the squat racks out of every gym, why don't we. while we're at it why not take out the dumbbells and replace them with tubing.

To sphillip40, If an exercise gives you pain, and or discomfort like you say. you should avoid it, or at least you max, since you said that’s when you hurt your self.

In addition, if you feel you form is not 100% maybe consider hiring a strength coach for a session or two. This way you will know that your not hurting yourself because of bad form, and possibly discover the source of the problem thereafter.

Hope you get better and start growing soon, good luck with training.