Dealing with sub-maximal lifts.


New Member
Hi all. Does it feel strange to stop your lifts in week 1 at 15 when you are physically capable of performing more?I'm sure most of us are used to going to failure so I am curious what this 'new' technique feels like. Thanks.*I accidentally posted this in FAQ but think it would be more appropriate here*
Personally I didn’t like stopping at 15 so I started doing multiple sets and eventually using Myo-reps, a form of clustering, to try and get a minimum of 40-60 reps per body part. If you are just starting out then stopping at 15 shouldn’t be a problem since your body is new to lifting, however if you’ve been lifting for a while then I would do multiple sets of 15 and try slowing the rep speed down to get more out of each rep. In the end you really need to go by feel and do what you feel is the most volume you can handle and still recover from by your next workout.
Hi all. Does it feel strange to stop your lifts in week 1 at 15 when you are physically capable of performing more?I'm sure most of us are used to going to failure so I am curious what this 'new' technique feels like. Thanks.*I accidentally posted this in FAQ but think it would be more appropriate here*

Honestly, if you let feelings or what you are used to effect your training then you are not training optimally. Stick to the plan. You cannot know if a plan is working until you've been doing it for at least a couple months. When I try out something new, I do it the way it says to be done for at least six-eight weeks before judging effectiveness. Growth takes too long for you to be able to know if something is working the first week. So just ignore the feelings. Keeping some in the tank allows you to do more later on.
I'm really psyched to start this program. I lifted hard for a few years and was in great shape but it's been about 2 years since I've trained consistently an im withering away!Not looking forward to figuring out my RM's but oh well!