Deconditiong Question


New Member
Right now I have gone thru one week of SD, and i have a question regarding the second week. I will be going to italy in seven weeks from now. so should i work out now, after only one week of SD, and get seven weeks of working out, or should I do the second week of SD and work out for six weeks?
how many totals days will you be gone for your trip to Ilaly?
If its only say a 7-9 days, then SD now for 14 days, workout 6 weeks (2wks of the 5, 2 of 10's, 2 of 5's), then come back & pickup where you left off, maybe repeat the last week of 5's if needed. Then on to negs or extended 5's or 5x5 routine.
I had to go away for 9 days in the middle of my cycle & it didn't hurt my strength or gains. If you'll be in Italy for more than 7-9days, then maybe SD now just a week & try to get in 7 weeks prior, then SD in Italy (a nice way to do an SD I'd say) & start another cycle after you get back. I myself think you get more bang for the buck with 14 days SD, so starting after Italy, try to do 14 days whenever possible.


Have a great time in Italy!
i only sd for 9 days every time unless i am away
Either way you are good to go.

However the longer SD couldn't hurt...unless you already havn't been lifting long.
Do you have a training partner? If so, then make the SD one week and do two weeks of 15's, 10's, and 5's as well as one week of negatives.

If you are working out alone, keep it simple for your 1st cycle (assumption) and make the SD two weeks followed by two weeks each of 15's, 10's, and 5's.