Decreasing WORK in a cycle


New Member
Hey, I'm on Week 3 of my first HST cycle and have done my 15s with a 2x15 scheme (1x15 for squats/DLs), and so far my first 2 workouts with the 10s with a 3x10 scheme (2x10 for squats/DLs). I was planning on finishing off the 10s with the 3x10 and starting the 5s with 6x5 scheme. This constant rep range of 30 reps assures my total work (repsxsetsxweight) increases over time. In addition, I'm only doing 4 exercises per workout in an A/B type routine. So far, this rep scheme has been manageable but after reading some posts in other threads, it seems like the general consensus is to go for 20 total reps as 6x5 might be too much with the heavier weights.

What I would like to know is, if I reduce my volume down to 20 total reps, wouldn't that affect my gains as my total work done would decrease?

Example: I start off my 10s with 75lbs on military press and end with 100lbs, 75lbsx3setsx10reps = 2250lbs compared to 100lbsx2setsx10reps = 2000lbs

Even comparing the 2250lbs total work with my 5RM of 115lbs, the 5RM is only BARELY higher if i were to do 20 total reps instead of 30.

Any ideas regarding this issue? Or should I just go down to 20 total reps and quit thinking about it so much? It just seems like my workouts would be even quicker than they already they now last no more than 30mins!
Well I hate to bring HIT in to this but ...I'm an equal opportunity quoter , "once the nail is hammered in - continuing to strike it with a hammer is just going to splinter the wood" . Although I personally believe that you need to hammer the nails in a lot more frequently than they - the saying has some merit in regards to volume . Your CNS is the wood ...
In my opinion, based on opinions of others who have been around her for awile...this should not affect your gains, specifically since you are changing midway through the cycle.  If you look at the original HST regimine, you see that constant reps throughout the cycle was never mandatory.  In fact, it doesn't really make much sense to keep the volume constant as load increases...we could then conceivably just spend hours in the gym letting our muscles recoup enough to perform yet another set until you spend the entire day in the gym.  

If you really want to keep volume constant so you don't create another variable, use a more realistic number like 20.  Also if you are going to incorporate linear progression throughout the cycle, you should determine your maxes durng the 5's, then simply decrease the weight accordingly through 10's and 15's.  If you are using clustering and MS then the matter becomes even more convoluted.  At that point you aren't even really doing mesocycles, you are just increasing load every workout.  With the original HST, the set would end short of failure based on your interpretation of "how much you had left."  If you throw that out the window and just shoot for a number of reps, the concept of mesocycles really loses its purpose IMO.

Anyway, I think you will be fine.  Reduce the reps now, and continue increasing the weight.
After re-reading that article, it seems like it really boils down to how my body feels, and so far I'm always slightly sore, so I figure the volume is good. I'll keep it at 20 reps for the squats and deadlifts and 30 reps for upperbody. If I feel I'm getting way too sore later on, I guess I'll just reduce the volume. Thanks for the opinions!!
Keep in mind that although the amount of reps will go down, your overall tonnage may still be going up. It depends on how big your increments are.
Right but that's what I'm saying, the increments aren't that huge as I'm not quite a strong beast yet, so decreasing the reps from 30 to 20 would yield a significant decrease in work (or as you refer to it, "tonnage"). Either way, like I said I'll see how my body feels and go from there. So far I'm handling 30 total reps for each exercise for the upperbody just fine, and still maintaining just 20 reps for lower body.
Well I haven't gotten to 5s yet so I couldn't tell you how long the workouts will take, my guess is no more than an hour. Before HST, i was doing split routines, and my total sets for one workout were around 24, and i would finish in about an hour. Now I have 4 exercises, at 6 sets each, that's a total of 24 sets, so I imagine they would again take roughly an hour. Not too bad if you ask me....

You're on the right track, nothing in HST is mandatory...we recommend that you be careful and follow your instincts as well as what your body tells you.

Whilst keeping 30's does not necessarily benefit you in terms of hypertrophy, more so than 20's you may want to reduce once you start getting into the heavies, for the sake of load as it increments.

In the end...all of this is up to you anyway!
Right I completely agree, I'll just see how my body feels, if it's too sore to keep up with a 3x a week frequency, I'll decrease to 20. If it's fine, no use in decreasing from 30 to 20 if it ain't broke right? So far so good I'll keep on my current track.