Decresing rep ranges every workout


New Member
I've been training in the HST style for half an year now and I had an idea. What if instead of doing two weeks of 15s, then 10s and so on, I did one day of 15s, other of 10s and another of 5s.

To explain better, my new routine consists of the following:

monday: 15 reps on all exercises
wednesday: 12 reps on all exercises
friday: 10 reps on all exercises
monday: 8 reps on all exercises
wednesday: 2x5 reps on all exercises
friday: 3x3 reps on all exercises

All sets done with maximum weight. Strategic deconditioning would be done after another 2 or more times of this cycle.

I'd like to know what everyone thinks of this routine, in my head there is some logic to it but... who knows. My next workout will be the 2x5 and my 15's maxes have already increased so this leads me to think it's working.

Also, this method goes against hst in any way?
As a footnote I'm doing the following exercises:

Bent row
Bench press
Dumbbell flyes
Military press
Barbell curl
Skull crushers

I planned this while I was on vacation but now that my normal routine is back I'm thinking about removing abs (there's a lot of core work already), flyes (there's already the bench press), biceps (necessary?) and triceps (necessary?).
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Progressively Adjusting reps to accommodate Progressive Load
HST suggests that you use 2 week blocks for each rep range. Why? It has nothing to do with adaptation. It is simply a way to accommodate the ever increasing load. Of course, you could adjust your reps every week (e.g. 15,12,10,8,5,etc), but this is more complicated and people might not understand. Often times, in order to communicate an idea you must simplify things, even at the expense of perfection. If people can't understand it, they won't do it. What good would that do or anybody? Then, over time, people figure out for themselves the other possibilities that exist within the principles of hypertrophy.</div>

I am extremely interested to know how you would progressively load over the course of weeks using your method. I would bet you'd have to use less weight on day 1 of week 2 than you used on day 5 of week 1... my opinion, your method violates the principle of progressive load. but, hey if it works for you, go for it!

Sheiko advocates DB flies in addition to bench... I would think that curls and skulz should be viewed as accessories and only done so long as they don't interfere w/ real lifts.
As long as the loads are progressing over the course of a cycle, and from cycle to cycle, you will be making progress. Doing 15s, 10s and 5s each week has been tested by a few folks here. MikeyNov suggested a similar thing a while back.

If you do abs, do them last in your routine; they are important core stabilisers which you will need for just about every compound I can think of. No sense in tiring them out before all the heavy work is done.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">monday: 15 reps on all exercises
wednesday: 12 reps on all exercises
friday: 10 reps on all exercises
monday: 8 reps on all exercises
wednesday: 2x5 reps on all exercises
friday: 3x3 reps on all exercises

All sets done with maximum weight</div>
but this doesnt leave any inroad for proggression
Oh, I just noticed I had the forum set to show topics from the last 30 days only, couldn't search properly that way.

Sorry for reposting the topic.