Delayed SD


New Member
I'm no pro bodybuilder, but I do get a kick out of shooting for certain events like beach vacations to 'peak' for. It gives me alot of motivation and alot of pride in my individual accomplishment each year. Anyway, I have such an event June 1, but my current workout schedule/calendar would have my SD start two weeks before the trip. I'd really like to start my SD during the trip which is 7 days long, but to train right up to the trip would mean an additional 6-7 workouts beyond when SD should normally start.

Is this a big deal?

I'm no pro bodybuilder, but I do get a kick out of shooting for certain events like beach vacations to 'peak' for. It gives me alot of motivation and alot of pride in my individual accomplishment each year. Anyway, I have such an event June 1, but my current workout schedule/calendar would have my SD start two weeks before the trip. I'd really like to start my SD during the trip which is 7 days long, but to train right up to the trip would mean an additional 6-7 workouts beyond when SD should normally start.

Is this a big deal?


If I were you, I'd extend my cycle another week or two so it would end right before my trip. I like to extend the cycle by going for lower rep schemes like 4s, 3s, or 2s. And then, to get a good pump and metabolic work, I'll do high rep drop sets (like I talked about in your other thread) after my heavy sets. I like to do this in the 5s as well, really.

The 8 week template is just a suggestion. I've done it for 10 weeks doing 15s, 12s, 9s, 6s, & 3s instead of the 15/10/5 layout.
Just like whistle said, you can make your cycle pretty much any length you want. I would extend it as well. There are tons of options for extending it. You can continue using your 5 RM, you can add weight each session until you find new 5 RMs, or you can do what he described above. I prefer to go to lower reps as well and work on gaining more strength before the end of the cycle. I always end my cycle with a week of working up to heavy single rep maxes.
If I were you, I'd extend my cycle another week or two so it would end right before my trip. I like to extend the cycle by going for lower rep schemes like 4s, 3s, or 2s. And then, to get a good pump and metabolic work, I'll do high rep drop sets (like I talked about in your other thread) after my heavy sets. I like to do this in the 5s as well, really.

The 8 week template is just a suggestion. I've done it for 10 weeks doing 15s, 12s, 9s, 6s, & 3s instead of the 15/10/5 layout.

Thanks to both you guys for the response. I guess I always felt that after reading the HST literature that CNS burnout was a real concern. That's why I thought that training past the 5's or negs. was a NO-NO. After reading your methodology, I guess I have a pretty conservative view. What do you use to guage if you're pushing it too far? Sometimes I feel like I could do the 10's and 5's again, but I haven't because of fear of CNS burnout.
The reason why you aren't concerned about CNS burnout during the end of the cycle is because you are about to SD anyway. So even if you did overtrain yourself, you will have 9-14 days to recover, and on top of that when you start up again you will be using sub-maximal loads which allows further recovery from any burn out due to the end of the cycle. Myself and several others regularly go to failure and/or do maximal lifts during our final weeks of training before SD. In fact, occasionally going to failure near the end of the cycle can be beneficial for building strength as long as you don't make it a habit to be going to failure all the time during your cycles.
Thanks to both you guys for the response. I guess I always felt that after reading the HST literature that CNS burnout was a real concern. That's why I thought that training past the 5's or negs. was a NO-NO. After reading your methodology, I guess I have a pretty conservative view. What do you use to guage if you're pushing it too far? Sometimes I feel like I could do the 10's and 5's again, but I haven't because of fear of CNS burnout.

I look at the cycle as a programmed set of goals. I would be weary if I stopped be able to meet my goals - i.e.: being able to add weight to the bar. Also, if I'm super sore all the time and am having trouble sleeping, those would be other signs that I need to change something.

Never fear changing the program at any point in time if you see change is necessary. That goes for any method you use - listen to your body first.