Diagnosing shoulder strain/pain


I was setting a 1RM pr at the end of my last HST cycle in the seated military press (this was approximately 6 weeks ago) , I felt some general strain in my right delt but nothing overly scary. I did a 2 week SD but noticed that pushing myself up on the arms of armchairs when I would go to stand up hurt .

During 15's I was suprised to find that whatever it was had not gone away , it would hurt most at the bottom of militarys and seemed to be coming from right about the middle of the front and middle delts but down where they meet the bicep.

I ended up switching to pushpress as this seemed to get the bar past the "pain zone" yet still hit the delts and allowed me to continue with my load progression.Oddly enough my flat bench is/was unaffected by this (caused no pain).

At the fourth w/o of 10's I dropped overhead pressing completely as the increasing weights were becoming too painfull to not cause a bit of worry.

I have done a bit of net searching on the shoulder girdle and am 100% sure it has nothing to do with the rotator cuff - there is absolutely no pain from the back, my deads and rows are heavy as ever and pain free. It almost seems to be the lateral delt/upper bicep.

There is very little to no pain/soreness in daily life and I have complete range of motion - overhead pressing though is temporarily out of the question at the poundages I should be at in my progression.

Anyone experience anything like this? Any diagnostic thoughts on exactly what it may be and how to rehab it? I'm stymied , as its nowhere near the rotator cuff . It almost seemed like it could be from getting the weight off the rack and in place for the actual press while seated may have been the culprit - but I would like others opinions/ advice. Thanks in advance you guys rock!!!
i have had something similar,so instead of shoulder presses i used incline-bench"for chest" but to hit front delts as well and rear lateral raises for a cycle and SD.
also on something dan mentioned at the end of a workout i would take a small db about 4or5k and just rep out lateral raises it seems ok now.
You're experienced enough a lifter to know not to be deep at the bottom in order to protect the cuffs, so I'll not preach on that. It sounds like rotators regardless to me. The funny thing about them is that they are four muscle groups that basically hold your arm on; but when they're too weak to fight the pull of the "show" muscles, the humerus moves out of place when you lift, and impinges the bursa under the clavicle at the point of the AC joint. I can't always tell where the pain is, exactly, and I can do most lifts that don't directly impinge it, except for laterals and heavy overhead presses. My bench doesn't hurt a lot but is weak for it.
If what you have is a torn muscle, then resting it should suffice for immediate repairs on its own. If you hold your arm in an L, like as if you had it in a sling, and try to lift it laterally (still crooked), and you find a lot of pain on the medial side (and possibly not even being able to lift it, as is mine), then you probably have an impingement.

One thing you can do immediately for either one is stretching and using the pole exersize.
(faz @ Mar. 28 2007,08:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i have had something similar

it seems ok now.</div>
Thanks - it's actually very re-assurring to hear that
(quadancer @ Mar. 28 2007,08:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It sounds like rotators regardless to me. The funny thing about them is that they are four muscle groups that basically hold your arm on; but when they're too weak to fight the pull of the &quot;show&quot; muscles, the humerus moves out of place when you lift, and impinges the bursa under the clavicle at the point of the AC joint.

If you hold your arm in an L, like as if you had it in a sling, and try to lift it laterally (still crooked), and you find a lot of pain on the medial side (and possibly not even being able to lift it, as is mine), then you probably have an impingement.</div>
I'm thinking maybe I was wrong about rotator cuff issues...when doing the &quot;arm in a sling maneuver&quot; there was definitely some mild/medium pain in the shoulder in question that is not present when I did the same movement with the 'healthy' arm.

Very helpfull post BTW- thank you.
Doing rotator cuff work (external rotators) I have went from a nagging right shoulder for YEARS to ZERO pain in three months.

I can't express how awesome it is not to have a stiff, aching right shoulder almost 24 hours/day, after living with it for years.

I am SOOO glad I stuck with the shoulder-horn work, because I didn't notice any results for the first month or so, and then one day it was like magic, my rotators got stronger and pain disappeared.

Stevejones helped me stick with it, when I had almost given up hope of ever benching again. Now I am benching 205 with no pain, and hope to bench 330 by years end!
(scientific muscle @ Mar. 28 2007,19:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Doing rotator cuff work (external rotators) I have went from a nagging right shoulder for YEARS to ZERO pain in three months.

I can't express how awesome it is not to have a stiff, aching right shoulder almost 24 hours/day, after living with it for years.</div>
Thanks Sci - I'll be starting Rotator cuff work straight away, it's good to know that it might take a while to &quot;kick in&quot;, otherwise I may have dropped them pre-maturely thinking they weren't working.Thanks again...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am SOOO glad I stuck with the shoulder-horn work, because I didn't notice any results for the first month or so, and then one day it was like magic, my rotators got stronger and pain disappeared.

Stevejones helped me stick with it, when I had almost given up hope of ever benching again. Now I am benching 205 with no pain, and hope to bench 330 by years end! </div>

Sci, that's what I like to hear as I started the horns/Cuban Presses this week.
(scientific muscle @ Mar. 28 2007,19:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Doing rotator cuff work (external rotators) I have went from a nagging right shoulder for YEARS to ZERO pain in three months.

I can't express how awesome it is not to have a stiff, aching right shoulder almost 24 hours/day, after living with it for years.

I am SOOO glad I stuck with the shoulder-horn work, because I didn't notice any results for the first month or so, and then one day it was like magic, my rotators got stronger and pain disappeared.

Stevejones helped me stick with it, when I had almost given up hope of ever benching again.  Now I am benching 205 with no pain, and hope to bench 330 by years end!</div>
Yeah, I'm pretty awesome (j/k)

Glad to hear it though, I knew it was helping you, just didn't realize to what extent.
Russ, your signature is so awesome, I had to add it into my signature.
Jon Pall Sigmarsson is my idol in strength sports...the best ever imo.  And that quote of his kicks ass.
(RUSS @ Mar. 29 2007,00:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(faz @ Mar. 28 2007,08:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i have had something similar

it seems ok now.</div>
Thanks - it's actually very re-assurring to hear that  
no probs mate.i had to drop any shoulder press for a cycle but the incline bench and rear lats covered it ok.
BTW i dont do flat bench at all and i find that has helped a lot.
(scientific muscle @ Mar. 28 2007,22:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">World's Strongest Man 4 times...one of the best of all time:
The guy died of a heart-attack while deadlifting...how poetic.
You would think that sig should read &quot;No point in deadlifting if it's gonna kill you.&quot;

Might as well go out in a blaze of glory though!
(faz @ Mar. 29 2007,03:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(RUSS @ Mar. 29 2007,00:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(faz @ Mar. 28 2007,08:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i have had something similar

it seems ok now.</div>
Thanks - it's actually very re-assurring to hear that
no probs mate.i had to drop any shoulder press for a cycle but the incline bench and rear lats covered it ok.
BTW i dont do flat bench at all and i find that has helped a lot.</div>
you don't find that incline bench is even tougher on the shoudlers than flat?