did i gain mostly fat?


New Member
before:View attachment 1977View attachment 1974 170lbs

after: 200lbs

View attachment 1975View attachment 1976

im getting mixed opinions from ppl irl. people who've seen me with my shirt off think i look good. People who havent seen me in months but use to see me alot think i got fat(theyve seen me with clothes on). Some people who've seen me with clothes on told me to keep doing what i was doing. Others accused me of roiding. And tons of compliments from this one female :D

in the middle i was taking a weight gainer but noticed i was getting a little fat(during the 10's) i'm now no longer taking it. my fat seems to reduce and im at the same weight. I'm also running now(had stress fractures in both legs... still do... but i need to run so i can take a pt test for promotion)
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I can't really tell that much from the pics - look about the same in the before and afters to me - but you certainly don't look fat. Considering you gained 30 lbs between the before and after pics, it looks like the weight was really evenly distributed. Have you taken measurements? They eyes can be deceiving, data is probably going to be a better judge here.
i didn't. i hated seeing when people would just post #'s so i decided to take pictures. i know my thighs got bigger. im guessing fat. cause i only did walking, biking, and elliptical until the mid 10's then i started running every couple of days 1mile, then built my self up to 3. my stress fractures aren't completely healed but it sucked not being able to run a mile with ease... soooo not going to the PA cause he said he'd put a boot on me if they werent healed.
Upper body looks basically the same, so I doubt you gained fat there. Probably a bit of lean mass. Abs look slightly more visible but that could be either less fat or slightly different lighting. Unless you lost a ton of definition in your legs as they grew, then I highly doubt you gained very much fat.
oh yeah, i just rounded. I dont remember the exact weight i started at but i wrote it down so i can check when i get home. I just remember it being in the 170's. The only time i ever remember my legs looking defined was when i extreme cut down to 129lbs and when I finished my 3months of osut at Benning. Other than that they just look normal. Im assuming that they gained mostly fat since i dont do any sort of weight training with them(squats hurts your 2mile time)

They did begin to touch more during the 10's with the weight gainer but i no longer take that. My old pants still fit but the thighs are tight. I can button them/zip em up with no problem though.

Someone also told me I look disproportioned with an big upperbody and a small lower body... and then he ended with 'lay off the roids.'

I wasnt on roids but I was on a couple supplements

tomorrows my last day of 10's with my 2nd cycle. I'm not gaining weight but I believe i'm losing fat. I need to get my thighs back smaller so I dont have to have my pants altered for my promotion board lol. They fit now but I'd like them a little looser.


Day 1 I weighed 173.8lbs
day 8: 178.8lbs
day 14:183.3
day 21: 189.4
day 28: 190.4
day 35: 192.2
Now: 198-200lbs
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I don't think you have 14% body fat. How did you measure that?

Going from 14% to 10% isn't easy. You'd have to really start paying careful attention to your diet.
The tape test isn't exactly accurate.

Not that it matters that much anyway since bodyfat is difficult to measure anyway.

14% sounds about right though judging by your pictures. Maybe closer to 12% but either way, you definitely aren't very fat. Getting to sub 10% would be a challenge but not that hard.
It is pretty tough to tell from a picture. To me it looks a little higher than 14%, but who knows.

Anyway, it gets harder and harder the lower you get. You can get to 10% without killing yourself, but like I said you'll have to be pretty careful with your diet.